Baby Bureaucracy - To prepare instead of despair

Baby Bureaucracy - To prepare instead of despair / Health News
So that it does not come to stress: This should respect future parents 
Pregnancy requires a lot of effort, and mother's stress hurts the baby. The body changes, the expectant mother takes care of her diet, the future parents set up the apartment for the new life. To make matters worse, there is office work. Here are some tips to organize the paperwork.

Fill out applications during pregnancy
Make requests as early as possible, then you have completed the formalities before the newborn takes its time. After the birth you just have to enter the name.

Get rid of all the baby-related problems while you are pregnant and save yourself a lot of stress (Syda productions /

Recognition of paternity
Are not you married? Then take care of your father's recognition during pregnancy. Only then will the paternity become official.

Why do you need this recognition?
At the latest with questions about the custody or inheritance claims of the child the official paternity is crucial. In order to reach them, mother and father have to be civil registry office as well as youth welfare office. The application can only be made with the consent of both parents.

Baby plan
Make a list of what the baby needs before it is born to save stress. Whether stroller, cuddle cloth or dining chair, crawling corner or cradle. You can buy some things in advance, but do not overdo it.

Ask mothers about baby secondhand
Babies quickly become toddlers, and their parents' house is full of things the two-year-old does not need anymore. Ask friendly parents about baby clothes, visit children's flea markets and search the internet. Babies cost money, but if you can get the necessities of life with care, you can save.

birth certificate
The linchpin of the baby bureaucracy is the birth certificate. Without a birth certificate, your child does not officially exist and they can not apply for any assistance. Take care of the birth certificate at the hospital or registry office immediately after birth.

Apply for child benefit
Children cost, but the state helps them in the process. You will need an extra copy of the birth certificate that is specifically designed to apply for child benefit. The competent office takes about four to six weeks to process the application, but pays the child benefit retroactively.

The registration office
Submit the birth certificate to the Resident Registration Office as soon as possible. There you can also apply for the children's ID card and thus quickly show the world to the little ones. For this you need a biometric photo of the child.

Health insurance
Include the child in the family insurance. Although the newborn is initially insured by the mother, please clarify quickly your own official insurance for the child.

What do you need for health insurance??
You need a special form of birth certificate - you usually get it by handing over the birth certificate itself. You can get the application for insurances from your health insurance.

What about private insurance??
Are you privately insured? Then it gets complicated. If you exceed a certain threshold, the private health insurance must take the baby. The waiting time and risk assessment are eliminated, but you have to pay an extra fee - which, depending on the insurance, can be juicy.

When do you have to submit the application to the private health insurance?
You must file a private insurance application within two months of the birth.

parental benefits
You can get parental benefit up to three months retroactively. You apply to the parental benefit agency in your state. Find family centers during pregnancy and get advice here. It's best to fill out the application before the baby is born.

parental leave
You do not need to apply for parental leave. However, you must inform your employer in writing seven weeks before the start of this period. It also deals with questions such as whether you want to work part-time, how many hours and on which days.

Do pregnant women suffer from the unborn baby
To prepare, not only relieves the expectant mother, but also the child. Stress releases hormones, raises blood pressure and, as a result, helps the baby as well as the mother.

Prepare instead of despair
The German state gives fresh help to mothers and fathers. However, as is customary in the German bureaucracy, the earlier you approach the formalities, the more carefully you complete the applications, the faster you will get the support you deserve.

Easy going does not work
Do not take it easy, because employees in the responsible authorities do not - on the contrary, when it comes to money, they are often fussy. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)