Ayurvedic medicinal plants with amazing effects on health

Ayurvedic medicinal plants with amazing effects on health / Health News
Ayurveda: Health effects of medicinal plants
More and more people worldwide are using Ayurveda to relieve stress and calm down. The widespread in parts of Asia method is also becoming more popular in this country - especially in the spa. The health effects of Ayurvedic medicinal plants are less known. Here are some of them presented.

Ayurveda not only for wellness purposes
Millions of people worldwide rely on the ancient Indian healing Ayurveda. In parts of Asia, the "knowledge of life" method, which includes special massage techniques, yoga, nutritional science and herbal medicine, is widely used. In western countries Ayurveda is primarily used for wellness purposes or for stress reduction. Although Ayurvedic medicinal plants are part of Indian natural medicine, in this country they are not approved medicinal products. Here is a brief overview of the most important Ayurvedic medicinal plants and their effects on human health.

Ayurveda enjoys growing popularity in Western countries, especially for wellness purposes. But the old Indian healing arts can do more. Ayurvedic medicinal plants can treat many diseases. (Image: byheaven / fotolia.com)

Medicinal herbs from herbal medicine
Medicinal herbs from herbal medicine play an essential role in Ayurveda. But regardless of whether the plants are used for relaxation, to stimulate digestion, to strengthen the immune system to protect the body from diseases or to cure them: Ayurveda is no substitute for modern medicine, but rather a useful supplement. People who are open to Indian healing can gain new vitality and relief from numerous ailments. Here mentioned medicinal plants are used partly for millennia.

Turmeric for liver disease
Turmeric is not only a true treasure of Ayurveda, but also in this country has long been one of the most important medicinal plants. It belongs to the ginger family. The rootstock of the plant is dried and pulverized and used as a spice and as a remedy. Even Iranian home remedies rely on the main active ingredient curcumin, which is attributed to antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric (turmeric) is used according to experts, among others, in Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer and liver disease.

Alleviate regular complaints with bitter melon
Another ayurvedic medicinal plant is the bitter melon, which is used in India in people with diabetes type-2 - not only. Tea from the plant is said to relieve menstrual problems and also have antiviral and antibacterial effects. Also in diseases of the digestive tract, the plant is used. It is also applied to wounds for external injuries. Internally, the plant extracts are used because of their antiparasitic action against worms. However, excessive consumption of vegetables can cause diarrhea and stomach pain.

Spicy spice mixture stimulates the digestion
Trikatu is one of the most important spice blends of Ayurveda. It consists of Pippali, black pepper and ginger. The spicy mixture of spices is said to promote digestion and metabolism. Furthermore, she is used for colds, headaches and many other complaints application. Indian basil, also called Tulsi, is used in addition to the use as a spice against various diseases. It is used in inflammatory acute conditions such as colds, coughs or fever. Studies showed an antibacterial effect of the plant.

Psyllium in gastrointestinal diseases
Another traditional component of Ayurveda is psyllium husk, which was also used in Europe in the Middle Ages as a medicine. In investigations various positive characteristics could be proven. Psyllium helps with chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Also against diabetes and high cholesterol, psyllium husks, which can absorb more than 50-fold of water, are used. Through this property, they bind the intestinal contents, for example, in case of diarrhea. In addition to the plants mentioned, there are many more that are used in ancient Indian healing arts. For many of them, the efficacy could also be proven in scientific studies. (Ad)