Baby blues and postpartum depression Where does the anger on the own baby come from?

Baby blues and postpartum depression Where does the anger on the own baby come from? / Health News
Anger at one's own baby: postpartum depression is often underestimated
Often, mothers experience the so-called "baby blues" in the first weeks after the birth of their child, which can develop into a serious postpartum depression. Celebrities, such as Hollywood actress Brooke Shields, spoke publicly about her depression. But many other mothers are silent.

Many women are silent about their depression
Many mothers have strong mood swings after giving birth. The so-called "baby blues" can develop into a serious postpartum depression, also called postnatal depression. Much of the women concerned is silent about this phenomenon, mostly out of shame. In addition, the disease is often not recognized. Actually, she is easy to treat. Weekbed depression should therefore not be trivialized. In a recent message from the news agency dpa several experts on the topic to speak. But first an affected person:

Postpartum depression is often misjudged. Picture: drubig-photo - fotolia

Anger at the baby and suicidal thoughts
Hannah Keller (name changed by the editors) fell into a deep depression after the birth of her first daughter. "For months, I felt like behind glass," said the 35-year-old from the Rhine-Main area. "The fact that I did not do anything irreparable to myself or the child was a matter of luck." Neither her family nor the midwife, the woman doctor or the pediatrician realized what was wrong with the woman. Even with psychiatrists and a baby outpatient Keller made the experience: "Depression after childbirth are a stepchild." The director of the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Frankfurt, Prof. Andreas Reif, said: "The education and the knowledge of these symptoms and this disease are not as good as they should be. "In addition, many women would not share their depression of shame and guilt. "They often write to themselves that they have failed and are not a good mother," says Reif. "It is not a failure, because nobody can help it." In addition, the disease can be treated well.

Moods after birth
Pretty many women are affected. "A baby blues is very common, in 50 to 60 percent of women," said Silvia Oddo-Sommerfeld, senior psychologist in the Department of Obstetrics at the University of Frankfurt. In general, the so-called "Heultage" called upset in the first week after birth, often in hospital. It is purely hormonal and normally should not be treated.

About ten to fifteen percent of mothers suffered from depression after birth. However, this is by no means always diagnosed, said the head of the Techniker Krankenkasse in Hessen, Barbara Voß. But there are also fathers with childbed depression. Affected is a similar proportion of scientists as women. After childbirth, depression can occur, especially in overburdened men. Fathers in patchwork families are particularly at risk according to experts.

Different causes
Asked about the causes, Keller explained: "There came a lot together." On the one hand, it was "a very fast, violent and painful birth". In addition, the behavioral therapist at the overcrowded ward of the clinic found no peace, and her little daughter screamed from the beginning, "as if she dies". About her first months as a mother, she said, "I did everything I could to keep her from screaming and trying to keep the store running." Her environment had reacted with incomprehension: "It was as if to me I go to chemo and people say, enjoy it! "According to experts, women who have ever had mood disorders or were anxious and depressed during pregnancy have a higher risk of contracting. In addition, depression in the family can be a factor.

"It's not that rare that a mental illness first unmasked in the puerperium," said Reif. According to Oddo-Sommerfeld also the social support of the mother plays a role. "Especially if the partner does not support the woman, the risk is slightly higher." However, Reif said: "Classical postpartum depression can also be found in women who live in a perfect environment, where the partner is fully behind, all happy and the birth went smoothly. "

Depression should be treated on time
According to Oddo-Sommerfeld recent studies show that the orientation of the mother's personality can also be a risk factor: "As a rule, these are very autonomous, conscientious and perfectionist women," explained the psychotherapist. "It is often difficult for them to control everything independently with a child." In addition, she has made in her years of work, that it rather meets women from higher education. Oddo-Sommerfeld has launched a telephone "postpartum depression hotline" and calls on affected women to seek help quickly. According to Reif, postpartum depression often occurs again in the second child. Even Keller went that way with her second daughter. Although the birth was as self-determined as possible and ultimately "totally beautiful", but six weeks later, she attacked the depression: "Within a second to the other, I stood before an abyss, which was not there before and did not go away."

For several months they tortured insane dread attacks. With the help of antidepressants she was able to overcome her depression and did not have to do without breastfeeding. Reif explained that psychopharmacology is combined with psychotherapy during therapy. In serious cases it is also about getting back to the child. According to Oddo-Sommerfeld, psychotherapy works very well if it starts in the first two to three months after birth. The expert warned, "If you do not treat depression on time, it will have a massive impact on the child, the whole family and the relationship." (Ad)