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Gait influences our psyche

Study by the University of Witten: Herdecke proves the connection between gait and psyche29/10/2014 According to an elaboration by the...

Gammel meat scandal at Kaufhof?

Another gammel-meat scandal: report confirms suspicion against Kaufhof09/05/2013 In the delicatessen department of the Galeria -Gourmet of the Kaufhof chain...


Gallstones and biliary colic Gallstones (cholelithiasis) can form directly in the gallbladder (cholecystolithiasis) or in the different biliary tracts (choledocholithiasis)....

Gallstones indicate diabetes

Patients with gallstones have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes Patients with gallstones have an increased risk of...

Gallstones can cause severe pain

Small Stones - Great Torments: Gallstones can cause severe pain20/06/2013 Often, people do not know that stones have formed in...

Gallstones favor infarcts

Gallstones affect the heart 20/11/2013 People with gallstones seem to be at increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. This...

Biliary blockage - symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

Anyone who has ever had gallstone disease may also be familiar with gallbladder (cholestasis). This occurs namely with preference in...

Biliary pain - causes and symptoms

Many people suffer from gallbladder pain every now and then. Both the gallbladder and the bile duct are extremely sensitive...

Fork Instead of Scalpel Healthier life without meat

New DVD Documentation "Fork Instead of Scalpel" - Healthier Life Without meat 07/20/2012 How much do you mock in this...