Fork Instead of Scalpel Healthier life without meat

New DVD Documentation "Fork Instead of Scalpel" - Healthier Life Without meat
How much do you mock in this country about the "obese disease", ie obesity of many North Americans. In fact, in the US and Mexico, the proportion of morbidly obese is over 30 percent. This makes them unchallenged leaders in the world! In addition, in the United States alone, spending on obesity-related illnesses in 2009 caused about $ 150 billion - almost twice as many as 10 years ago.
But the Germans have caught up in the meantime - after all, we are already number one in Europe when it comes to being overweight! About 67 percent of adult men and 53 percent of women are too fat or even obese, so they have a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25. A questionable record.
The 96-minute documentary shows that malnutrition, especially the excessive consumption of animal protein, is the main cause of a number of common diseases „Fork instead of scalpel "(Original title: „Forks Over Knives“; Release: September 28, 2012; polyband media), which has sold more than 200,000 copies in the US within 10 months:
The renowned biochemist Prof. dr. In the 1970s and 1980s, T. Colin Campbell led the so-called China Study, probably the most comprehensive study in which there was a direct link between the consumption of animal products and the onset of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and autoimmune diseases Multiple sclerosis and rheumatism in humans could be detected. It involved two Western universities and the Chinese Academy for Preventive Medicine.
In „Fork Instead of a scalpel, "Patients who have improved their health significantly after switching their diet to a purely herbal diet" will be accompanied, as well as Prof. Dr. Campbell and other scientists who report on their findings and specific findings Advice on how vegan nutrition can successfully combat health problems and chronic diseases.
The undogmatic documentation makes it clear, without pointing your finger, that you should urgently say goodbye to wrong eating habits with regard to a healthy and liveable future - even without having to deal with the ethically questionable aspects of mass animal husbandry, gigantic animal feed production and the resulting environmental destruction. (Pm)
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