Gallstones indicate diabetes

Patients with gallstones have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Patients with gallstones have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the German Institute for Nutrition Research (DIfE) have published new findings in the US scientific journal "American Journal of Epidemiology". For example, gallstones or kidney stones would be particularly common in patients with "western lifestyle." The biggest problem, however, is a massive overweight of most patients. So far, it has been known that people with diabetes type 2 disease often produce gallstones, but the reverse context has not been proven yet.
Overall, the study lasted for 7 years. In the time data of approximately 25,000 persons were evaluated. Of these, 3,300 suffered from gallstones and 2,500 from kidney stones. Within the seven years 850 people fell ill with diabetes. Regardless of other risk factors such as age, weight, and lifestyle, patients with stones in bile became 1.42 times more likely to have "age-related sugar." In patients with kidney stones, however, this relationship could not be determined.
The author of the study, Cause Cornelia Weikert, pointed to an interaction between blood sugar metabolism and gallstone formation. "Evidence from animal experiments suggests that insulin resistance changes the composition of bile so that gallstones can develop," says Weikert. In addition, it is known that an inability of the body to respond properly to insulin precedes the diabetes development. "Gallstones may be heralds of diabetes, as both diseases are likely to be triggered by the same pathobiochemical processes." These results are important because it is now possible to give targeted advice to patients with gallstones and to point out that there is an increased risk of diabetes.
How can gallstones help patients?
It is important to have sufficient physical activity, if indicated a weight reduction and of course a balanced and healthy diet. Be advised in detail by your doctor. For weight loss, there is competent help that can be claimed. It is important to throw your old habits "overboard" and to reconsider your current lifestyle. (sb, 28.01.2010)
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