
Gallstones and biliary colic
Gallstones (cholelithiasis) can form directly in the gallbladder (cholecystolithiasis) or in the different biliary tracts (choledocholithiasis). In many cases, the gallstones go unnoticed for years, it comes to complaints, ranging from simple nausea to high-fat food to biliary colic, which can be very painful. Gallstones consist of approximately 80% cholesterol, often mixed with calcium and bilirubin. Naturally medicinal herbs and foods that stimulate the flow of bile can, of course, prevent and support treatment.
Bile construction and function
Main symptom of biliary colic
Genesis, causes and risk factors
Conventional therapy
Treatment in Naturopathy
Psychosomatic backgrounds
Gallstone disease; Cholelithiasis, cholecystolithiasis; Choledocholithiasis, gallstones.

Bile construction and function
Medical laymen use the term "bile" for both the name of the gallbladder and the bile contained. Actually, the system consists of gallbladder, bile and numerous bile ducts, some of which run finely branched within the liver to the gallbladder and from there out as liver disease out of the liver. Together with the duct of the pancreas, the bile duct finally opens into the papilla of the duodenum, where the digestive process is to take place. Seat of the gallbladder is the underside of the liver, with whose capsule it has grown. It is a pear-shaped hollow organ, which stores the bile produced by the liver, thickening and then, if necessary (for example after a meal rich in fat), releases it into the duodenum via the bile ducts. With its fat-soluble components, it serves, on the one hand, in particular for fat digestion. Another important function is the removal of fat-soluble breakdown products from the liver, which enter the intestine with the bile and are excreted there. In natural medicine, bile juice is also called "bowel movement of the liver".
Main symptom of biliary colic
In only about 25% of cases do the gallstones cause discomfort. If a stone is flushed out of the gallbladder and closes a bile duct, biliary colic typically occurs. This occurs with severe abdominal pain. These are usually described as spasmodic pain in the upper and middle abdomen, radiating into the right back or right shoulder. In addition, paleness, sweats, nausea and vomiting as well as a circulatory collapse as autonomic accompanying symptoms and possibly fever. Now there is an emergency with the picture of an acute abdomen (acute abdominal pain).
If several bile ducts are blocked, one can obstructive with yellowing of the skin, because the blood pigment bilirubin can not leave the liver and is forced back into the blood. If bile and mucus can not leave the gallbladder, a gallbladder hydrops threatens, which, together with bacteria, can lead to gall bladder develop with purulent content. Likewise, gallbladder and bile duct inflammation may develop, as well as acute pancreatitis. If the stones penetrate the bile ducts or gallbladder, there is a risk of peritonitis, which may be accompanied by intestinal obstruction and sepsis.
Genesis, causes and risk factors
Gallstones arise from a medical point of view, if due to an imbalance of the solution conditions, the components contained in the bile, cholesterol, bilirubin and calcium crystallize and grow into so-called concrements. These then fill the gallbladder, close the gallbladder or bile duct and sometimes block the duct of the pancreas. This may be due to a reduced reduction of cholesterol in the body, an insufficient intake of bile acids in the (functional) small intestine, but above all an oversupply of cholesterol in the diet. Too much animal fats from meat, bacon and sausage, pies, sweets, cream, eggs or white bread combined with a sedentary lifestyle contribute as well as stress-related cramping of the bile ducts significantly to the formation of gallstones. The factors favoring the development of gallstones include movement disorders and inflammation of the gallbladder, lack of exercise, obesity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, a chronically elevated blood lipid level and pregnancy and increased occurrence in the family.
Conventional therapy
The gallstones are detected (often randomly) by ultrasound. Regardless of symptoms, treatment is not given at all, while an acute biliary colic is treated with analgesic and antispasmodic drugs. Recurrent discomfort or risk of breakthrough or degeneration is recommended for surgery, in which the gallbladder is removed (cholecystectomy). Sometimes stones can be removed as part of a reflection (ERCP).
Treatment in Naturopathy
Naturopathic diagnostic procedures such as pinpoint or iris diagnosis provide early constitutional evidence of gallstone formation on which can be therapeutically reacted.
Naturopathy holds above all possibilities that prevent the development of gallstones. Regular cures with preparations of dandelion, wormwood, Boldoblätter, yarrow or artichoke leaves act depending on the recipe with other medicinal drugs prophylactic or enthrampfend and anti-inflammatory in existing gallstones.
In his "Naturheilkundlichen Ernährungsbrevier" Walter Binder recommends the frequent consumption of honey, olives, paprika juice, radishes and radishes, artichokes and turmeric as well as the avoidance of high-calorie, high-fat foods as a gallstone diet. If it comes to convulsive pain, the Schüßler salt No. 7, Magnesium Phosphoricum can relieve the pain, while the No. 10, Natrum Sulfuricum is generally known as a supportive agent for liver and bile.
In naturopathic practice many natural remedies are used to restore health, e.g. the classical diversion methods, neural therapy, homeopathy and microbiological therapy with proven intestinal dysbiosis.
Psychosomatic backgrounds
The psychosomatic view leads us through the language directly to the topic of aggression. We are "overflowing the bile", we "spit poison and bile" or are called "choleric" (chole = bile). In their classic "Disease as a Path", Dahlke and Detlefsen (1990) describe gallstones as "petrified aggression", with their own aggressive energy being held back, accumulated and solidified.
The majority of women are still affected by the disease, perhaps because they are subordinate to external (family, professional) structures rather than live the aggressive energies according to their own nature. Counseling and therapy offers are recommended here which can help to implement an individual personality development in a socially compatible way (self-organizational hypnosis according to Renartz, systemic (family) counseling, psychokinesiology, talk therapy according to Rogers or catathymagic-imaginary psychotherapy according to Leuner et al ). (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)
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