Gammel meat scandal at Kaufhof?

Another gammel-meat scandal: report confirms suspicion against Kaufhof
In the delicatessen department of the Galeria -Gourmet of the Kaufhof chain in Munich, a suspicion regarding spoiled meat products has now been confirmed. An independent report provided the results. In an anonymous letter gammel meat allegations against the Kaufhof butcher shop were denounced. Specifically, this is about barbecue chicken and beef. The meat products were repackaged despite exceeded expiration date and offered as freshly labeled goods again. Frozen entrecôte is apparently thawed and then sold as fresh.
The grilled chicken was the other way round. Expired goods that were partly spoiled were frozen and offered again as fresh goods via the freezer cabinets. The Munich prosecutor already determined and the department store threatened in addition to the image damage incurred in addition to a hefty fine. Meat samples were sent to the State Office for Health and Food Safety for an expert opinion. This determined that the beef, as well as the grill chicken no longer „not suitable for consumption“ were. Two out of three samples were subject to complaints. However, there was no danger to health.
A Kaufhof spokesman said that the group has been the victim of a slander campaign. „Here someone wants to harm the company“, so the speaker. When the results were revealed, the speaker may have admitted mistakes. „We will analyze if mistakes have been made. For this we check our entire process chain.“ In addition, he assures that the bad meat never landed on sale. The slaughterhouse, the company Standard Fleisch, rejects all guilt. „We have done everything right from our side“, says CEO Jan Lawrence „At our delivery the meat was absolutely fine.“ he replied to the press on the allegations. (Fr)
Picture: Christian Alex