All articles - Page 16

Increase in TBE cases due to tick bites

TBE cases almost doubled by tick bites 06/11/2014 The number of meningitis caused by a tick bite has risen again...

Increase in diabetes in children

More and more young people are suffering from diabetes 13/11/2014 The number of new cases of diabetes has increased dramatically...

Increase in malignant oral tumors by HP viruses

More and more oral tumors due to human papillomaviruses 05/16/2012 According to medical experts, the number of cancer patients with...

Increase in Lyme disease infections in Saxony

Saxony is currently registering an increase in Lyme disease cases after tick bites 08/06/2014 More than 536 people are suffering...

Increase in borreliosis infections, but so far no case of FSME

More borreliosis cases due to tick bites, no case of TBETicks are transmitters of dangerous infectious diseases. Some of them...

Increase in complaints in private health insurances

Compared to the years 2008/2009, around 15 percent more citizens complained to the Ombudsman for private health and long-term care...

To protect the vitamins baby porridge do not boil

Preserve vitamins by slow heating 05/23/2013 When preparing baby porridge, parents should make sure that it is heated slowly -...

For grilling, do not use methylated spirits

Do not use methylated spirits to grill 04/16/2015 In many cases, out of dangerous ignorance, fire accelerators are used. Because...

Unsuitable for losing weight Artificial sweeteners promote weight gain

Artificial sweeteners can have various negative health effectsMany people abstain from sugar if they want to eat healthier or lose...