All articles - Page 1465

Handbags More germs than toilet seats

High germ contamination in handbags 05/19/2013 Women's handbags contain far more bacteria and pathogenic germs than toilet seats, as a...

Handwriting reading - analysis, comparison and meaning of individual writing

Analysis of the manuscriptReading the manuscript has the reputation of pointing somewhere between coffee grounds and moving to daily horoscopes,...

Hand pain Pain in the hand

Hand pain is one of the more common symptoms, because the hand is very susceptible to injury, overuse and joint...

Palm reading - read lifelines?

Hand-reading (chirology) is an esoteric method of recognizing the characteristics and fate of a human being by the shape of...

Wrist pain - causes and therapy

Which helps with pain on the wrist? Wrist pain is a symptom that causes significant harm to everyday life as...

Handelskrankenkasse Bremen pays 60 euros premium

The statutory health insurance company Bremen pays a 60 Euro premium to its insured persons. Additional contributions are also excluded...

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease Drink plenty and help cool food

Especially children affected: Cool food in hand-foot-mouth diseaseRashes with small red spots on the hands or feet and sore mouth...

Hanau Naturheilpraxis Thomas Dehmer

Naturopathic practice Thomas Dehmer Lilac road 2363456 [email protected] Practice Areas: Naturopathic treatment for the musculoskeletal system: Spinal column therapy according...

Hamburg doctors protest against health insurance

Doctors protest against the behavior of the health insurance companies 08.11.2012 In Hamburg, doctors, psychotherapists and practice staff yesterday in...