Hand pain Pain in the hand

Hand pain Pain in the hand / symptoms
Hand pain is one of the more common symptoms, because the hand is very susceptible to injury, overuse and joint wear (arthrosis) due to its delicate structure. In addition, various diseases such as inflammatory rheumatism may be responsible for the discomfort in the hand. The pain can range from mild, strong, acute or persistent to boring, tapping, pulling or burning to localized or radiating, in a variety of facets.

If the symptoms are due to an overload, in many cases already an immobilization of the hand provides for a relief. In other cases (certain fractures, bottleneck syndrome, etc.) surgery may become necessary. Naturopathy offers numerous options for pain in the hand such as warm hand baths, medicinal plants such as the devil's claw or the so-called "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation" (TENS).


  • definition
  • Construction of the hand
  • Functions of the hands
  • Pain in the hand: causes and symptoms
  • injury
  • inflammation
  • arthrosis
  • Nerve compression syndromes
  • Treatment for hand pain
  • Naturopathy with pain in the hand
  • Cope with pain with relaxation procedures


The term "hand pain" subsumes various illnesses, signs of wear and injuries in the hand area. These may be due to a variety of possible causes, but are often the cause of accidents or injuries (such as hand falls), joint wear, and permanent overstress.

Pain in the hand often occurs as a result of accidents or joint wear. (Image: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

Construction of the hand

The hand (med./lat. "Manus") represents the gripping organ of the free upper extremities or arms and is a complex structure, which anatomically can roughly be divided into three sections: the carpus, the metacarpal (Metacarpus ) and the fingers (Digiti manus).

Overall, the hand consists of 27 individual bones (8 carpal bones, 14 finger bones and 5 metacarpal bones), which are flexibly connected by joints with capsules and ligaments. In sum, they account for a quarter of the total bones of the human body.

In addition, the organ has very complex musculature, blood vessels, nerves and a variety of tendons, which enable the transmission of power from the muscular bellies to the hand skeleton.

Functions of the hands

The most important function of the hand is grasping objects. A distinction is made between the "power grip", through which, for example, a heavy bag is lifted or a heavy package is held and the "precision grip", for holding and guiding objects (eg a pen or knife) through the fingertips of the thumb and forefinger or Thumb and middle finger is applied.

The hand can be clenched into a fist or to draw water or similar. be used by the palm (s) are curved into a kind of shell. Another important function is the (Ab-) supports, which is possible with the entire palm, the palm of the hand or the fist as well as only with the front phalanx with simultaneously splayed thumb.

In most cases, a particular hand is preferred for the execution of fine motor or complicated activities ("dominant hand"), accordingly, a distinction is made here in terms of right- and left-handedness. In addition to these central functions, the hands serve as a "tool" for communication, for example, by pointing to things or persons meant or statements or moods etc. are supported or replaced by gestures.

How complex the hands can be used in the field of communication, shows the sign language for the deaf, which in addition to posture and facial expressions primarily different hand forms, hand positions and hand movements (gestures) used to communicate thoughts and issues.

The hand is very delicate and therefore particularly vulnerable to injury. (Image: Anton Gvozdikov / fotolia.com)

Pain in the hand: causes and symptoms

By the delicacy of the hand only the varied, complex and precise movements are possible - which means on the other hand a great vulnerability. Because the relatively thin bones are (as well as the tendons, nerves and blood vessels) not only surrounded by little protective tender muscle and fat tissue, but are also located directly under the skin.

In addition, the hands are usually heavily used in everyday life and are constantly exposed to potential sources of danger (sharp, sharp objects, machines, detergents, etc.). Accordingly, injuries as well as complaints of wear or constant overuse are very common. Likewise, various diseases (for example, rheumatism), nerve irritation or nerve damage come into consideration.

The pain in the hand can be limited to varying degrees of intensity and limited to the hand; in other cases, however, they radiate into the shoulder, for example.


The hands are very vulnerable due to their complex structure and heavy use. As a result, various forms of injury can lead to sometimes massive pain on or in the hand. For example, bruises, strains, dislocations or fractures (fracture) are possible..

Often, a sprain (distortion) of the hand occurs, which is an injury to a ligament or joint capsule, triggered by a severe overstretching of a joint. Typical for a sprain are sharp, stinging or throbbing pains that occur especially during movement of the joint. In addition, there is usually a swelling in the sprained joint and a bruise (hematoma).

A hematoma, however, can be the cause of pain in the hand without compression. This in turn can be caused by various possibilities of external violence, such as a shock, impact or after an operation. Hematomas can cause massive pain and swelling due to pressure on the tissue. Typical is a clear red-bluish discoloration of the affected area, which is why the bruise is often referred to as a bruise.

In everyday life it happens quickly that you burn yourself, for example, at the hot oven or cut while cooking. Such injuries can cause massive hand pain. (Image: leowolfert / fotolia.com)

Other reasons for hand pain are bruising, burns, scalds or cuts and lacerations (crack-squeeze wound). These injuries are common as the hands are constantly in contact with potential hazards such as knives, scissors, glass, hot water or machinery.


A common cause is inflammation, which in principle can occur in all areas of the hands. Among the best known forms is arthritis, an inflammatory joint disease that can be caused by infections, metabolic diseases (gout) or autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis.

Other possible triggers are psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis), inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) and rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (colloquially usually short: rheumatism).

Characteristic of an arthritis are sometimes massive pain in the affected joints and a limited mobility. In addition there are swellings, redness and overheating as well as partly also fluid (joint effusion) or pus in the joint (joint empyema).

Depending on the cause of the inflammation, there are other symptoms: In the case of rheumatism, the pain occurs, for example, especially at night and in the morning. Other typical symptoms include morning stiffness of the joints and swelling in the finger-base and finger-center joints. If an acute infectious arthritis is not treated promptly and correctly, there is a risk that the joint will be destroyed or stiffened. This in turn can lead to permanent misalignments and disabilities.

In the case of chronic inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis, the course is usually unpredictable. Nevertheless, rheumatism progresses fastest in the first few years, which usually leads to first joint damage after a few years with functional impairment.

If an acute infectious arthritis is not treated appropriately, it can lead to deformities and misalignments. (Image: Astrid Gast / fotolia.com)

Frequently tendonitis (tendovaginitis) causes hand pain. In this case, the tissue surrounding the tendon is inflamed, and in general any tendon sheath (hand, foot, elbow, etc.) may be affected. In most cases, however, it is an inflamed tendon on the wrist that causes swelling and pulling or stabbing wrist pain. These can radiate into the whole hand, forearm or even the chest area. Often, in addition, a good audible crunch occurs in the affected joint. In the case of chronic inflammation, nodular thickening of the flexor tendons of the fingers is possible.

Tendovaginitis is caused by overuse of certain tendons, which can quickly occur as a result of constant monotonous movements and / or persistent malpositions. Examples include a wrong computer mouse or incorrectly set keyboard, permanent uniform movements ("mouse arm" or medical: "Repetitive Strain Injury"), heavy exposure to sports such as tennis or climbing or by playing musical instruments such as violin or piano. The trigger for tendonitis may also be infection (e.g., by chlamydia or mycoplasma).


As trigger of the hand complaints come degenerative processes in question. If the movement of the fingers or wrist becomes difficult and pain occurs, in many cases there is an arthrosis behind it. This is a "joint wear" that exceeds the age customary measure and which can occur both on one hand and both at the same time.

Arthritis of the wrist and finger joints is caused by damage to the articular cartilage, whereby a distinction is made medically between a primary and a secondary osteoarthritis. The first form, which is the known arthritic osteoarthritis, develops without any apparent cause. Instead, the wear is primarily genetic, as well as changes in the hormone balance (such as menopause) as the trigger is suspected.

Secondary arthrosis, on the other hand, is a form of wear caused by external influences. Malpositions (e.g. congenital, due to an accident or injury) of the joints, overweight for many years, or mechanical overload (for example, due to hip dysplasia) may be considered here.

Bony deformities can also be caused by conditions such as osteoporosis and metabolic disorders such as gout or diabetes.

Furthermore, arthrosis can develop as a result of joint inflammation (arthritis). Osteoarthritis of the finger joints usually develops over time, so that often no symptoms occur at the beginning and the disease often remains undetected ("silent osteoarthritis"). In the further course, stiff joints and joint pains typically show up, which usually become stronger in wet and cold weather and when the fingers or hand are loaded.

Later, the pain occurs even at rest, accompanied by a loss of mobility and swollen, reddened and overheated joints. In addition, there are often small, with thickened synovial fluid filled joint cysts on the extensor finger joint ("mucoid cysts"). Also in arthrosis of the wrist, which arises in most cases as a result of bone fractures or false joint formation, it comes in the advanced stage to swelling, wrist pain and limited mobility of the affected joint.

Nerve compression syndromes

In many cases, so-called "nerve compression syndromes" cause pain in the hand. It is a group of diseases in which there is an acute or chronic compression and irritation of nerves.

In the carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve in the wrist is narrowed. This causes pain in the hand. which can radiate up to the whole arm. (Image: TANABOON / fotolia.com)

Often in this context is the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), in which the median nerve (median nerve) is damaged by increased pressure within the carpal canal. The increased pressure arises when a mismatch arises between the size of the channel and the space required by the structures contained therein. This may be due to the plant, but also e.g. arthrosis of the wrist, a rupture of the radius or the carpal bone, as well as swelling of the tendon sheaths (rheumatism, pregnancy, etc.).

At the beginning of the carpal tunnel syndrome manifests itself mostly by emotional disturbances (tingling) and slight, partially burning pain in the fingers, which can radiate into the arm. In the further course of the complaints occur especially at night. It comes again and again falling asleep of the hands, which can be alleviated only by rubbing and shaking hands.

The pain sometimes pulls into the arm or shoulder, in addition, the finger muscle strength and grip strength - especially the thumb - decrease more and more, whereby the function of the hands is increasingly limited. This is clearly shown, for example, in the "bottle test": since affected people can no longer spread their thumbs far enough in the advanced stage, it is usually impossible to fully grasp a bottle.

For hand complaints, other nerve compression syndromes may be considered. The "Wartenberg Syndrome" (also called "Cheiralgia paraesthetica"), for example, the digitalis dorsal nerve is damaged, resulting in a pain in the thumb and pain on the back of the hand. This damage can be caused for example by too tight watch bands, bracelets, bandages or handcuffs. As another possible cause diabetes is suspected.

Another trigger may be the "Loge-de-Guyon Syndrome" (also called "Ulnartunnelsyndrom"). In this there is damage to the ulnar nerve on the small finger side of the wrist, which leads to sensory disturbances and paralysis of the hand and finger muscles. Ulnar tunnel syndrome is usually caused by a ganglion in the area of ​​the Guyon lodge.

Often, a permanent or repeated pressure damage of the ulnar nerve by occupational activities (for example, in grinders) or sport is the cause. This applies especially to sports in which a handlebar or similar. For a long period of time is firmly embraced (cycling, surfing, etc.), which is why the syndrome is sometimes referred to as "cyclist paralysis".

The reason may be a polyneuropathy. Here, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is disturbed in its function, causing pain or discomfort (e.g., burning, "ant tingling") in the hands, arms, feet or legs. In many cases, a reduced sensation of temperature and pain occurs, which quickly leads to injuries or burns on the affected skin, without the affected person noticing it. While a few forms of this nervous disorder are innate, polyneuropathy usually develops as a result of diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, or high alcohol consumption.

Through a bandage, the hand is made calm and relieved. (Image: Photographee.eu/fotolia.com)

Treatment for hand pain

The therapy for hand complaints takes place according to the respective cause. For example, if a short-term overload or irritation could be identified as the cause of acute pain, in many cases they will disappear again automatically by immobilizing the hand. If necessary, NSAID ointment dressings (e.g., Voltar ointment) may be used to reduce pain and swelling, or a supportive immobilization bandage.

Especially with injuries such as bruises, strains and sprains fast help is especially needed. Here, the so-called PECH rule has proven itself by following the actions "P" for pause, "E" for ice, "C" for compression (bandage with analgesic ointment) and "H" for high camps. The hand should therefore be spared immediately after the injury and cooled quickly, so that swelling and bruising can not even spread. For this purpose, ice bags or cooling pads (wrapped in a kitchen towel) should be placed on the affected hand until the pain and swelling are significantly reduced - which may take several hours.

In addition, anti-inflammatory analgesics (e.g., acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac) in the form of ointments or tablets, plaster casts, cortisone preparations, or topical anesthetics are used to treat the conditions.

In some cases surgery is required. This is the case, for example, with certain forms of fractures (finger fracture, metacarpal fracture) or painful bottleneck syndromes such as fractures. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the case in which the depressed nerves, muscles and blood vessels have to be surgically relieved.

Depending on the cause, a number of other supporting measures are used, such as heat or cold treatments or electrotherapy.

Naturopathy with pain in the hand

In addition to traditional medical methods, a range of alternative medical natural remedies and home remedies are available, with which hand pain can be meaningfully and effectively treated in a gentle way.

Various medicinal plants have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, which means that they can even be used alone in mild conditions. In the case of severe pain, they often provide good support to existing therapy. The devil's claw, which is often used in naturopathic therapy for osteoarthritis or degenerative diseases, has proven its worth.

The healing power of the Devil's Claw has been known for centuries, because the anti-inflammatory and decongestant Iridoidglykoside contained relieve the pain and help again to more mobility. The effectiveness of the medicinal plant begins, however, only after two to four weeks - accordingly devil's claw is not suitable for the treatment of acute, severe pain in the hand, such as in a rheumatic spasm.

Instead, it is advisable to carry out a treatment lasting about four weeks a year for chronic complaints. Unlimited the medicinal plant should not be taken. Before taking any individual plan should be made with the doctor.

Devil's claw root has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore help with rheumatism and osteoarthritis. The root is e.g. in the form of tea, capsules or powder. (Image: Heike Rau / fotolia.com)

If rheumatoid arthritis is the cause of the pain in the hand, so-called "Basic Therapeutics" (Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs, in short: "DMARDs") are usually used. These are medications that intervene in the inflammatory process and thus significantly slow the course of the disease and the joint destruction.

In the best case, the therapy for rheumatism, however, consists in a holistic interaction of GPs and specialists (rheumatologists, orthopedists, etc.), physiotherapists and occupational therapists, psychologists and alternative physicians to inhibit inflammatory processes in the best possible way, relieve the pain and the function and strength to be able to receive the joints.

Proven approaches include, for example, physical treatments such as hydrotherapy with cold or warm water. The preferences may differ greatly from patient to patient, so that such therapy should always be carefully tailored to individual preferences.

Since cold soothes pain, decongestant and anti-inflammatory, for example, several times a day an ice pack or cooling pad from the freezer for a few minutes on the affected joints are placed. It is important that they never have direct skin contact, but always in a tea towel or similar. be wrapped in order to avoid frostbite.

Thermal therapy in naturopathy can also be very beneficial for chronic rheumatism. Because heat relieves the pain, stimulates the metabolism, promotes blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. In addition, it affects the organ functions and has an anti-inflammatory effect, especially in chronic inflammation.

Heat can be supplied to the painful region in various ways - examples are fango packs, red light, ultrasound or electrotherapy ("Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation", short: TENS).

It is very beneficial when the aching hands are immersed in a warm rapeseed bath.

Good to know: A rapeseed bath has a double effect. On the one hand, it is a blessing for sensitive joints when they "dip", on the other hand it facilitates the mobilization of stiff or restricted joints. Because skin and tissue around the entire joint are made more supple by the heat, making movements easier to carry out.

Hot raps bath against pain in the hand

  1. Add about 2.5 kilos of organic certified rapeseed to a larger, high-rim vessel (such as a baking dish)
  2. Heat the seeds to a maximum of 45 - 50 ° C in the oven or in the microwave
  3. Control the exact temperature for your personal well-being
  4. Once the rape seeds have warmed, dip their hands in the bath
  5. Move your hands as you like, using grab, stretch, circle etc.
  6. Once the seeds have cooled, they can be reheated

Danger: Heat should not be used for acute inflammatory events, fever, acute injury or infectious diseases, as in these cases the process of inflammation may even be assisted by the application.

Cope with pain with relaxation procedures

Especially chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis always have an effect on the psyche due to permanent pain and sometimes massive restrictions of movement. Accordingly, as part of the treatment, disease and pain management should not be ignored.

In addition to psychotherapeutic support, a range of relaxation techniques such as yoga, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or meditation have proven to be beneficial. (nr, last updated on May 30, 2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)