Handbags More germs than toilet seats

Handbags More germs than toilet seats / Health News

High germ contamination in handbags


Women's handbags contain far more bacteria and pathogenic germs than toilet seats, as a representative study of the hygiene service provider „Initial hygiene“ found out. According to the researchers, handbags made of leather are particularly affected, as the rough surfaces offer bacteria ideal possibilities for spreading. A „of five bags have even been so heavily contaminated that unhealthy consequences could not be ruled out“, the researchers write in their study report.

Many germs on hand cream
Trigger of the germs are mainly contained items such as hand cream. On the surface of the packaging often more bacterial loads can be found, than on toilet seats, as the authors of the study report. „Also lipstick and mascara proved to be a little better“, writes the magazine „Daily Mail“. Peter Barratt, technical director of „Initial hygiene“ said, „Handbags regularly come into contact with our hands and a variety of surfaces, so the risk of transmitting various germs to them is very high.“ In this way, germs could multiply massively afterwards. Another reason is the lack of hygiene. Handbags are often not or only rarely washed.

Clean the bags more often
In order to avoid higher bacterial loads, the experts recommend washing handbags more often. „After rummaging in the bag, your hands should be washed as well as possible“, advise the authors. The investigation has shown that bacterial contaminants are much larger than toilet seats. Therefore, there is reason enough, even with the use of handbags place a greater emphasis on hygiene.
Especially coliform germs settle in bags or other household items. These cause excessive intake such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or nausea and vomiting. Moderate but regular hand washing and the occasional cleaning of the bags are the best protection. (Sb)

Also read:
Bacteria in handbags and toilet seats

Picture: RainerSturm