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Hartz IV sanctions against pregnant women right?
The federal government sees no legal violations of the job center when pregnant women of Hartz IV rule set is...
Hartz IV sanctions against pregnant women normal case?
Three other pregnant women, the Hartz IV rule set was cut to zero 20.01.2011 Only in the last week it...
Hartz IV revoke sanction against pregnant women
Hartz IV: Jobcenter takes sanction against pregnant women after an emergency application at the social court 15/01/2011 Job Center Braunschweig...
Hartz IV smoking cessation otherwise punishment
24/11/2012 Like the magazine „Gegen-Hartz.de“ reported in its latest issue, sent the job center Nienburg in Lower Saxony as part...
Hartz IV PKV deductible is not accepted
Hartz IV recipients have to pay deductibles of private health insurance from the standard rates 25/08/2011 Hartz IV recipients who...
Hartz IV makes people permanently ill
Hartz IV makes people sick: According to the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the number of permanent sick leave from Hartz...
Hartz IV health insurance companies have to check 1 Euro jobs
Health insurance companies have to check whether there is an additionality of one-euro jobs 27/06/2011 Hartz IV recipients are often...
Hartz IV health insurance companies require additional contribution
Six health insurance companies change their statutes: Hartz IV recipients are obliged to pay additional contributions. 24.01.2011 Some health insurance...
Hartz IV No GKV claim for ex-self-employed
Formerly self-employed are not entitled to change to a statutory health insurance during the Hartz IV benefit receipt if they...
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