Hartz IV sanctions against pregnant women normal case?
Three other pregnant women, the Hartz IV rule set was cut to zero
Only in the last week it was announced that a young Hartz IV recipient from Brunswick was sanctioned despite a present pregnancy. The job center cut the woman's full salary for a total of three months because she refused to take a one-euro job. After an intervention with the responsible social court, the sanction was suspended.
What seems like an exceptional case of official overzealousness, however, seems almost a reality in Germany. According to information from the Unemployed Forum Germany (ELO), three further cases of sanctions against pregnant women have become known. In all three cases, the authorities completely cut unemployment benefit II benefits. In all cases, the extra demand for pregnant women was reduced to zero by sanction. Only food vouchers should take the affected persons to provide themselves with food. Far too little, so as not to endanger the health of the child, as the Jobless Forum warns. Because the coupons do not reflect the full Hartz IV ruleset again, but only the share for food. Mostly, these vouchers are issued once a week.
Working high pregnant?
In Passau, the affected person was banned from the complete regular services and the costs of housing. Also in this case, the woman refused to start a one-euro job. However, the woman expects her child in the next six weeks and is thus considered a high-pregnant. The measure does not want to take the affected person in order not to endanger the health of their child. And indeed, according to the guidelines of Heidelberg University Hospital, pregnant women are not allowed to work in so-called canteen kitchens and are not allowed to work. Nevertheless, the authority upholds the sanctions. It seems that one assumes that even pregnant women can do physically difficult work.
Despite hospital admission benefit cuts
In Berlin, a pregnant woman of Hartz IV was cut to zero, although it was known that the recipient is due to an acute psychosis in inpatient treatment. Only two days ago, the service provider suspended the sanction. Meanwhile, the woman has already lost her apartment because she could no longer bear the rental costs.
Delayed delayed illness
In the Passau country, a Hartz IV recipient had been sick during pregnancy. Only once had the young woman forgotten to give a follow-up illness punctually. Immediately thereafter, the woman's full compensation was blocked. Shortly thereafter, the person concerned filed a protest, the result of which has been waiting for months. The woman is expecting her child at the end of February. Nevertheless, the Jobcenter maintains the sanctions. Meanwhile, the unemployed group has interfered in the case and asked a lawyer. Again, an emergency action at the Social Court to repeal the sanctions. In this case too, the initiative expects a positive outcome. Finally, the Social Court of Braunschweig had objected to a reduction in benefits for a pregnant woman and moved the social welfare authority to give in.
5500 complaints from affected women
As the Caritas Association of the Diocese of Münster announced, a survey at the Caritas Pregnancy Counseling Centers revealed that in the first three months of 2010 alone, more than 5,500 complaints were received from pregnant women. In all cases, the women had complained about the official work of the job center. In all cases counseling centers had to be active to help women in their plight. (Sb)
Also read:
Additional contribution no special hardship in Hartz IV
Job centers must reimburse contributions for private health insurance
Hartz IV: 13 health insurance companies charge additional contribution
Picture: Matthias Balzer