Hartz IV makes people permanently ill

Hartz IV makes people permanently ill / Health News

Hartz IV makes people sick: According to the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the number of permanent sick leave from Hartz IV sufferers has risen rapidly.


The sick leave of Hartz IV recipients has risen by about a third in the last two years. According to the Federal Employment Agency, about two and a half years ago, around 151,600 people were permanently on sick leave. Last year, the average sickness rate rose from three to five percent and now stands at 242,000 per year (measured developments in August 2010).

About 330,000 people in the ALG II benefit scheme are considered to be permanently impaired in terms of health, according to the BA. Instead of mental and physical stress, the BA cites the reason that „Tougher strategy of demanding and promoting“ apparently lead to more sick leave. According to a published last year DGB study, the causes are not in one „denial“ the person concerned. Rather, the permanent unemployment is to blame because people increasingly suffer from serious diseases. "Unemployment becomes a stress of its own kind," according to study author Wilhelm Adamy from the IGES Institute. According to the study Hartz IV recipients suffered mainly from metabolic disorders and cancer. Even mental suffering such as depression, according to the study constantly. A further scientific evaluation of the University of Leipzig showed that many unemployed become downright apathetic and barely cope with their situation. The result: depression, fears and social phobias. (Sb)

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Picture: Gerd Altmann