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Long-term studies live 10 years longer through early smoking cessation

Dishonest smokers resist any argument. You even mean, "you have to die of something". The probability of a smoker dying...

Long-term study Does Kiffen stupefy?

Long-term study registered significant decline in the intelligence quotient among cannabis consumers who consumed daily and for years 08/28/2012 Regular...

Long-term research Active people age much more slowly

Physicians are studying the effects of exercise on health Exercise and exercise are healthy for the mind and body. The...

Long-term consequences of a caesarean section

Study on the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean births The number of caesarean sections has increased significantly in recent years...

Long-Term Research Become a good 10 years younger with regular sports

Study: Sport lasts ten years younger Today we know more. Even with serious illness doctors recommend no more protection. Active...

Late sleepers More than eight hours of sleep per night are rather unhealthy for the heart

Study finds: long sleep is unhealthyEveryone needs enough sleep to do their normal daily routine. If we sleep too little...

Late sleepers have an increased risk of stroke

Study: Late risers more often suffer from stroke and other circulatory problems than people who sleep less than eight hours...

Slow walking pace Signs of increased cardiac death risk

Threatens at slow walking pace premature death from heart disease?Can the speed with which we travel on foot indicate an...

Slow movements may be signs of Parkinson's

Possible symptoms: Slow movements may indicate Parkinson'sMany people usually associate Parkinson's disease with the typical tremor. But various other signs...