Long-term consequences of a caesarean section

Long-term consequences of a caesarean section / Health News

Study on the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean births

The number of caesarean sections has increased significantly in recent years worldwide. The cesarean section (Latin for cesarean section) has both advantages and disadvantages for the mother and child. A study summarized what these are.

More and more cesarean births

Although it was reported a few years ago that there are more and more caesarean births and almost every third birth takes place in Germany in this way, but now the numbers are slightly declining in this country. Worldwide, however, they have been increasing significantly for several years. This has advantages and disadvantages for mothers and babies. Which are that, was now part of a comprehensive study evaluation with data from around 30 million women.

Researchers have summarized in a study advantages and disadvantages of cesarean births. However, not much is known about the possible long-term consequences. (Image: nuzza11 / fotolia.com)

Increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirths

Caesarean women appear to have a lower risk of having pelvic floor problems or incontinence.

However, future pregnancies increase the risk of death and miscarriage.

This is the result of a study recently published in the journal PLOS Medicine.

As part of the meta-analysis, 79 studies, involving a total of nearly 30 million women, were evaluated and the long-term physical consequences of Caesarean sections were compared to vaginal births.

Number of caesarean births in Germany doubled

"The number of caesarean births is increasing worldwide," says the study. According to the research team led by Oonagh Keag of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (Scotland), she was 24.5 percent in Western Europe two years ago.

In North and South America, at 32 and 41 percent, respectively, in 2016, it was significantly higher.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the proportion of cesarean sections in births between 1991 and 2016 has doubled in Germany, with the rate rising from 15.3 to 30.5 percent.

For the first time in years, however, 2015 saw a slight downward trend.

Medical reasons

Many women seem to be so afraid of labor and delivery that they choose not to have a natural childbirth and prefer to give birth to their child by caesarean section on a pre-scheduled appointment in the OR.

But there are also many medical reasons for a planned procedure. For example, when the baby is in the pelvic position or the child seems too tall for the maternal pelvis.

However, the question of caesarean section or natural birth, according to health experts too often decided in favor of the surgical intervention.

For many clinics in Germany, this seems to be a lucrative business. They count such births more often than emergency operations, as an older evaluation showed.

Little is known about long-term effects

Caesarean births are not without danger. The immediate risks of such procedures include infection, thrombosis, and all the risks associated with surgery. According to the study authors, most women are aware of these dangers.

However, only a few know about the possible long-term consequences. There are only a few meaningful studies on the topic.

The scientists therefore went to work and searched the existing scientific literature.

"Although previous systematic reviews reviewed individual results, we found no other published reviews summarizing the evidence for all the long-term risks and benefits of caesarean section in mother, baby and subsequent pregnancies," said Oonagh E. Keag, according to a portal message. Healio ".

"There is a lack of documented evidence of medium to long-term consequences in women and their babies after a planned caesarean section or planned vaginal delivery," said the researcher.

Lower urinary incontinence risk

As the experts noted in their analysis, a caesarean section for the mothers was associated with a lower risk of urinary incontinence in the long term.

In addition, it is less common to a weakened pelvic floor, which can cause a drop in the uterus and vagina.

However, the risk of having a miscarriage or stillbirth on re-pregnancies increases in post-Caesarian women.

In addition, there is a risk of problems around the placenta.

The long-term consequences for cesarian-born babies were also investigated.

The researchers found that children born in this way are at increased risk for asthma by the age of 12 and have an increased risk of developing severe obesity by the age of five.

A study by Israeli researchers also found that Caesarean babies are more likely to develop diabetes.

Study results with caution

As the portal "Medical Xpress" writes, the results of the current study were based mainly on observation data.

Therefore, "causality can not be deduced and the results should be interpreted with caution. In addition, the authors were unable to analyze the data after planned (elective) or emergency caesarean section, "the report said.

Further investigations are needed to secure the results. (Ad)