Long-Term Research Become a good 10 years younger with regular sports

Long-Term Research Become a good 10 years younger with regular sports / Health News

Study: Sport lasts ten years younger

Today we know more. Even with serious illness doctors recommend no more protection. Active exercise not only clogged to keep healthy but also to heal. Man is not created to be motionless. A long-term study has pursued the question even more intensively.

Awareness of exercise and how to deal with one's own health is increasing: if one compares athletically active people with non-active ones, those active in middle-age adulthood are approximately ten years younger. This is shown in a recent evaluation of the long-term study "Health to Participate", in which sports scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) investigate physical activity and health of citizens in Bad Schönborn.

Sport can reduce people's health aging by about 10 years. (Image: Kzenon / fotolia.com)

For 25 years runs the unique in Germany scientific longitudinal study "health to join in" the community Bad Schönborn and the KIT. Together with the AOK Mittlerer Oberrhein and the citizens of the community, they have carried out the investigation over this long period of time and recorded and examined health behavior, state and interest. The current results show:

• Comparing athletic and non-active athletes, midlife adults tend to be around ten years younger.

• Health restrictions inevitably increase with age, but athletes and, above all, health athletes are much less affected.

• Fewer than half of the people surveyed meet the current movement recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) - but the Bad Schönborn are still above the German average. The proportion of walkers and walkers has increased, rising from five percent in 1992 to 44 percent in 2015. It is also noticeable that women in the second half of life significantly increase their activity, whereas in men they decrease significantly.

• Since 1992, the number of overweight people in Bad Schönborn has decreased slightly - by four percent - but one can not give the all-clear, according to the experts. Currently, 51.4 percent of Bad Schönborn are overweight.

The main objectives of the study are: to implement a long-term scientific study on the interaction between activity, fitness and health and to develop transfer modules for movement-oriented health promotion for other communities.

The research concept of "Health for Participation" is holistically designed so that as far as possible all influencing factors on the health of the participants can be recorded and evaluated. This procedure makes it possible to determine social, health and personal as well as environmental causes for the respective state of fitness and health and to derive possibilities for improvement of the personal life-world.

However, the entire results of the study will not be presented until October 17 at the Institute for Sports and Sports Science on Campus South of KIT. We continue to report.