Late sleepers More than eight hours of sleep per night are rather unhealthy for the heart

Late sleepers More than eight hours of sleep per night are rather unhealthy for the heart / Health News
Study finds: long sleep is unhealthy
Everyone needs enough sleep to do their normal daily routine. If we sleep too little it is not healthy for our body and we can suffer from negative sequelae. Thus, it is often advised that people have to pay attention to adequate sleep. However, you should not sleep for more than eight hours a night, otherwise your risk of heart disease increases.

Do you belong to the people who like to sleep as long as possible? If so, be cautious, scientists from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found in an investigation that their risk of heart disease increases when they sleep over eight hours a night. The Norwegian researchers published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Cardiology".

Picture: More than eight hours of sleep per night increases the risk of heart disease. (Image: lenets_tan /

More than eight hours of sleep increase the risk of heart disease by almost 35 percent
If people sleep too little, it can have negative health consequences. But too much sleep can be unhealthy, say the experts. The scientists found that more than eight hours of sleep per night increase our risk of developing heart disease. If people sleep more than eight hours a night, the risk of heart disease increases by up to 34 percent. Sleeping less than four hours a night also increases your risk of cardiovascular problems by about 35 percent, explain the physicians. Previous studies had already linked a lack of sleep to stress. In addition, increased blood pressure can result from a lack of sleep. These factors increase the risk of heart disease.

However, researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology are unsure why more sleep leads to a higher risk of heart problems. We do not know which mechanism causes a direct causal relationship between long sleep duration and an increased risk of heart disease, says lead author Dr. Linn Beate beach.

Women are generally at higher risk for complications
The study evaluated the data of 400,000 Taiwanese adults. These were medically examined between 1994 and 2011. Participants were asked how long they sleep each night, say the scientists. The results showed that people who slept between six and eight hours a night had the highest chance of later dying from cardiovascular problems.

In a follow-up study, the researchers found that 711 people had died of cardiovascular disease. The study also found that women generally have a higher risk of developing such sequelae, the researchers explain. Women are more prone to these problems than men. Previous studies have already shown that too little or too much sleep in women is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease Beach. Our results show that enough sleep is needed but too much sleep is unhealthy for humans. the researchers continue. The authors of the study emphasize that adequate sleep duration is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. (As)