Slow movements may be signs of Parkinson's

Slow movements may be signs of Parkinson's / Health News
Possible symptoms: Slow movements may indicate Parkinson's
Many people usually associate Parkinson's disease with the typical tremor. But various other signs may indicate the neurodegnerative disease. For example, when older people only take short steps or talk much quieter than before.

Stiff and tense muscles
More than four million people worldwide suffer from the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson's disease. It is estimated that up to 400,000 people will be affected in Germany, and the number is rising. Despite all medical advances, the disease is still not curable, but now the symptoms can be alleviated. Important is the earliest possible diagnosis. Evidence of a disease can be in addition to the typical tremor, among other things, very stiff and tense muscles. In particular, arms, legs and neck are then usually only with help or not to move. The patient information page of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) has pointed this out.

Slow movements are first indications of Parkinson's. Picture: Astrid Gast - fotolia

Speaking becomes quieter and monton
Accordingly, Parkinson's disease (also called Parkinson's disease or shaking palsy) can also be characterized by a lack of exercise. In such cases, those affected can only move slowly, for example, they walk with short steps. In addition, the swinging of the arms disappears while walking. Speaking becomes quieter and monotone. Unfortunately, such signs are often not noticed late or seen as normal signs of aging.

Numerous early symptoms of Parkinson's
According to medical experts, it can show signs of it already ten to 20 years before the onset of Parkinson's. In addition to the slower movements mentioned and altered speech, among other things, a deterioration in the sense of smell, persistent constipation, urinary and erectile dysfunction, dizziness, depressive moods, general fatigue, memory weakness, sweating, sleep disorders and inner restlessness are early signs of a disease. In addition, aggressive dreams and screams in sleep can be early symptoms of Parkinson's.

Illness can not be stopped
A reliable diagnosis is often scarcely possible at first, as many of the early symptoms occur in many diseases. As with almost all diseases, the sooner the better, the better. At the beginning of the disease, the symptoms can be improved with the help of medication. However, the effect diminishes over time. Ergo and physiotherapy with movement exercises as well as speech therapy with language training can also help. Often a therapy also includes physical activities as well as a balanced and vitamin-rich diet. However, brain cell death does not stop, and Parkinson's patients usually become a nursing case later in the disease. Mostly, the disease of the nervous system affects people over the age of 50 years. (Ad)
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