Slowly healing wounds indicating skin cancer

Slowly healing wounds indicating skin cancer / Health News

Every second German will fall ill with an early form of white or pale skin cancer


In Germany, more and more people are suffering from white skin cancer. Especially people who work in the open air should pay more attention to the signs. According to the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, the number of those affected has risen sharply in the last 20 years. Especially in the early stages, this looks inconspicuous and harmless, like a peppy mosquito bite. Changes are noticeable mainly in the face and forearms. If a wound still does not heal after four weeks, it is advisable to go to the doctor. „Every non-healing place belongs to the dermatologist“, says Professor Hans Drexler of the German Society for Occupational Medicine and Environmental Medicine (DGAUM).

Sun is the biggest source of danger
White skin cancer, like black skin cancer, is caused by the UV rays of sunlight. Especially people who work under the sun, for example, in road construction or as technicians unprotected, are particularly at risk. The cancer often occurs in places that are heavily exposed to the sun. In addition, people with fair skin are more at risk than those with dark skin. The regular walk under the solarium favors the disease.

Every tan is a skin damage
„Any type of tanning is a skin damage“, explains Jessica Hassel from the dermatooncological outpatient department at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT). As soon as the sun's rays hit the skin, the substance melanin develops. He is responsible for the brownish coloring of the skin. At the same time there is also damage to the genome of the skin cells. This can then develop skin cancer.

Sunscreen does not protect against harmful radiation
Who puts on sun creams, is only protected from a sunburn. Also, the tanning in the solarium is not recommended. Pre-tanning exposes you to increased UV exposure, which can lead to skin cancer.

How can white skin cancer be detected
As a trigger of white skin cancer, the physicians have identified a chronic damage to the skin by UVB and UVA radiation. For example, clues can be reddish or yellowish, often mistakenly called „age spots“ be identified. Other signs of white skin cancer can also be poorly healing, flaky skin or hardening and thickening of the skin. Any abnormality should be examined by the family doctor in any case.

Early skin cancer can be treated well
If white skin cancer is discovered early, it can be successfully treated with ointments. After application, the affected skin area is additionally treated with a light therapy. This accelerates the metabolic process in the skin cells, which attacks the cancer cells. If larger areas of the skin are affected, the tissue can only be removed by surgery.

In contrast to aggressive black skin cancer, white cancers rarely form metastases, however „the cancerous cells go through the entire tissue and during surgery you have to remove large areas“, explains Petra Boukamp, ​​Head of the Department of Genetics of Skin Carcinogenesis of the DKFZ. The cancer literally gets into the skin, the faces are often disfigured by surgery, as scars are unavoidable.

Regular skin screening is important
A regular skin screening is recommended to detect a change early on. A full-body skin screening pay the statutory health insurance in people over 35 years every two years. (Fr)

Picture credits: oschie