Naturopathy - Page 8

Deacidification in the case of hyperacidity

Acids and bases are in the human body in a balance of 80% bases and 20% acids. If this balance...

Relaxation methods Effect, instructions and tips

Relaxation techniques and regeneration techniques in the overviewRelaxation is a state of mind and body, the opposite of tension. Tension...


A detoxification treatment means liberating the body from substances that have accumulated as so-called slags. Detoxification can help rid the...

Purify - effect, performance and contraindications

Whether it is necessary to purify or not, if this method really does work - it is often discussed. Doctors...

Own urine therapy

Basics of self-therapy The self - therapy (also called self - urine therapy) is one of the stimulus and Umstimmungstherapien....


The Autohemotherapy belongs to the irritant therapies. These are therapies in which the body receives stimuli, for example in the...

Traditional Chinese Medicine - and the threat of animal species

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) refers to the medicine of China or East Asia of Vietnam, Cambodia and Japan. The eradication...

The medicine of animals How animals can heal themselves

Swine chairs and Katzenviagra - The medicine of animals Animals, and not just humans, heal themselves: they prevent infections, care...

The Indian naturopathy

We have probably used medicinal plants in our history since we existed. Humans have been preparing many plants and herbs...