
detox / Naturopathy

A detoxification treatment means liberating the body from substances that have accumulated as so-called slags. Detoxification can help rid the body of added toxins. Detoxification, for example, can help detoxify the liver. Purification is one of the classic natural remedies. Conventional medicine rejects detoxification as an unscientific and undetectable process, although it has already been proven that accumulations of cholesterol, lime, urate crystals and other substances can lead to serious illnesses.

How slags arise

Slags can be caused by poor diet, insufficient chewing, medications, preservatives, denatured foods, environmental toxins, pollen, mold, house dust, chemicals (such as furniture, carpets, paints, varnishes, paints) or dental amalgam. Alcohol and nicotine also contribute to the increased formation of slags, as well as lack of exercise, dehydration, stress, anger or anxiety. The waste products are deposited in various parts of the body, such as the joints, the tissue, the intestinal mucosa, the vessels and the organs.

Nettle tea is suitable for detoxification. Image: Finanzfoto /

How to make slags noticeable

An accumulation of pollutants in the body can cause the following symptoms:

- a headache
- constipation
- stomach pain
- diarrhea
- Insufficient defense
- listlessness
- sleep disorders
- Constant tiredness
- lack of power
- Inner unrest
- Lack of concentration (especially in children)

If left untreated, diseases such as allergies, chronic infections, rheumatic diseases, diabetes, gout, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or burnout syndrome may develop. If there are any serious illnesses already present, a doctor should always be consulted.

Measures for discharging the slags

In a detox treatment, that is, a therapeutic treatment for the discharge of the pollutants in the body, especially the following organs are important: kidneys, liver, skin, intestine and lymph. The aim of a detoxification treatment is to first dissolve all the slags in the body and then to subsequently dissipate them via the aforementioned organs or to detoxify these organs through targeted therapy.

1. kidney
Purification via the kidney is largely by a sufficient fluid intake. If pollutants are dissolved in the body, they must also be flushed out with enough water, otherwise they can re-deposit themselves at other parts of the body and possibly develop more massive symptoms.
The minimum amount of fluid is calculated using the formula Body weight x 35/1000 = liter of neutral fluid a day, which is approximately 2.45 liters a day for a 70 kg person. Neutral liquid is understood to mean only water without carbon dioxide.

To support the excretion of the kidneys in addition to a variety of herbs are used. Tea recipes, extracts or mother tinctures from diuretic plants such as nettle, goldenrod, parsley, horsetail, bearberry and horsetail are used here. The effect of the herbs can be additionally supported by intake at certain times of the day, as provided by Chinese medicine. Thus, the kidney has its main time between 17.00 and 19.00 clock.

2. liver
The liver is the most important and largest organ of detoxification in the body. The liver prepares for this, which is then eliminated via the kidney. If our body is too sluggish, the liver is overwhelmed in their work. Thus, naturopathy considers constant fatigue as "pain of the liver".

In order to detoxify the liver, the naturopathic treatment also relies on bitter substances. These are included in foods such as rocket, chicory, radicchio and the herbs dandelion and nettle. The plants Milk Thistle and Goldenrod also help to detoxify the liver. The milk thistle has a protective, strengthening and detoxifying effect on the liver, the goldenrod has primarily a diuretic effect, but is often used in detoxification therapies of the liver. The main period of the liver is between 1:00 and 3:00 o'clock in the night, that means means, which are to help the liver, are best taken in the evening.

3. skin
The skin, our largest organ, also belongs to the excretory organs. The elimination process of the skin is primarily supported by drinking water. Kneipp castings, brush massages and sauna sessions are also possibilities to stimulate skin circulation and to bring out slag. In addition, brine baths also stimulate the body to cause pollutants through the skin.

4. intestine
The intestine plays a major role in defense. 70 percent of the defense cells are in the intestine. Debris in the intestine impede the defense, which mainly causes susceptibility to infection and allergies. Regrettably, too little attention is often paid to the intestine.

A fiber-rich diet with large amounts of fruits and vegetables has a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa. Sauerkraut juice or fresh sauerkraut has a very positive influence on the intestinal flora. To derive poisons from the intestine, healing clay is often used. This has the gift to bind poisons and then flush them out in the natural way. Also preparations from volcanic rock are able to bind and divert pollutants.

5. Lymph
The lymph is a so-called drainage system, which absorbs especially large molecular substances. The intercellular fluid taken up by the lymphatic vessels is largely purified in the lymph nodes. Thus, the lymph is an important system of excretion of the body. Plants, such as dandelion, calendula, celandine and pokeweed are used to relieve the lymph. In addition, lymphatic drainage supported the discharge of accumulated pollutants.

Additional to the detox treatment

Accompanying to the detox cure recommend healers a lot of fruit and vegetables, vegetables lightly steamed and not raw, no salad for dinner (by raw food obstruction of digestion - fermentation) in the evening the best steamed vegetables, light soups, rice, pasta, cereals little meat and Sausage (or not at all), sweet avoid, no alcohol. little or better no coffee, no black tea, lots of exercise, fresh air, relaxation exercises like yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. In addition, attention should be paid to a sufficient amount of drinking.

A cleansing treatment can be assisted by exfoliation procedures such as cupping, massaging, construction shedding (skin irritation therapy, in which the skin is slightly scratched and then applied with an oil) and Cantharidenpflaster (a plaster, soaked with the extract of the "Spanish fly" causes skin irritation). (Sw)