Health News - Page 78

Effective help with a sunburn

Expert tips against sunburnThe first day on the beach and he's here - the sunburn. The skin itches, burns and...

Effective home remedy for insomnia

For problems with falling asleep and sleep better on home remedies07/03/2014 Difficulties falling asleep, constant waking or hours of walking...

Effective against hypertension Yoga can normalize blood pressure

New study: Lowering blood pressure with yogaIn Germany, about 20 to 30 million citizens suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension)....

Effective against hypertension Reduce high blood pressure with red chilies?

Chilies can reduce blood pressure in hypertension in the long term Hypertension is a veritable folk disease. Therefore, the research...

Real Importance of Oxidants and Antioxidants - New Measurement Techniques Developed

New methods provide insights into the body's own oxidantsThe state of oxidation in the organism is closely related to nutrition,...

Really superfood? Coconut oil is as unhealthy as butter and other fats

Superfood: Coconut oil is not healthy after all?Coconut oil has been repeatedly touted as a true "miracle cure" in recent...

Effective home remedy? Does raw meat help with blue eyes?

Quick help with blue eyes: really helps raw meat?If you catch a blue eye with a blow or a blow,...

Is our empathy influenced by our genes?

How do genes affect empathy?? The results of a new study suggest that empathy is not only a result of...

Will people's life expectancy decrease again in the near future?

Where is the average life expectancy in 2040?? Researchers estimate that life expectancy for men and women will rise by...