Effective home remedy? Does raw meat help with blue eyes?

Effective home remedy? Does raw meat help with blue eyes? / Health News
Quick help with blue eyes: really helps raw meat?
If you catch a blue eye with a blow or a blow, you are often advised to put raw meat on it. Does this method really help against a violet? What else can be done??

Blue eye should be cooled
People who get a nasty blow or have bumped, often wear a blue eye off. Then they sometimes get the old advice to put a raw piece of meat on it. Does that really help? "No," says Professor Uwe Pleyer from the Department of Ophthalmology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. In a message from the dpa news agency, he said, "But the putative idea behind it is not nonsense." In the past, you'd probably have chilled meat on hand rather than ice cream. "And cooling is just right," says the expert. However, it only makes sense within the first day. In our time, of course, it is not appropriate to put meat on the eye. It is even risky. "If the skin is injured, the germs can quickly lead to an infection," explained Pleyer. If you get hit on the eye, you should not just worry about a possible violet. You should definitely go to the ophthalmologist, if you look bad, double or lightning.

When you have a blue eye, you often hear that a piece of raw meat is supposed to help. An expert explains what's on this advice. (Image: Markus Bormann / fotolia.com)

After a week or two, the violet has disappeared
A blue eye is nothing but a bruise or bruise on the eye. In healthy young people, it usually disappears after one to two weeks, after undergoing the typical discoloration from red to purple-blue to brown, green and yellow. In older people, whose wound healing generally slows down, the healing process may be delayed somewhat. This also applies if there are diseases such as diabetes mellitus that affect the immune system. There are some simple tips to treat bruises - whether they are on the eye or at other parts of the body. In addition to cooling arnica has proven to be a home remedy. (Ad)