Effective home remedy for insomnia

Effective home remedy for insomnia / Health News

For problems with falling asleep and sleep better on home remedies


Difficulties falling asleep, constant waking or hours of walking from one side to the other: Sleep disorders are a widespread phenomenon affecting people of all ages. To be able to sleep properly, many sufferers quickly resort to sleeping pills or sedatives - not without risk, because these can quickly lead to a dependence on the other and cause serious side effects such as headache, nausea and depression. Accordingly, for better sleep patients should prefer proven home remedies or natural herbal remedies.

One in five suffers from insomnia
Sleep disorders occur with great frequency, every fifth struggles with constant sleep and sleep problems. These disorders - collectively referred to as "insomnia" - not only impair sleep, they also affect the daytime waking state, leading to chronic daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability and headaches. But not every form of sleep difficulty equates to a "disorder" - rather, an insomnia is only present if the person concerned can not sleep properly for at least three nights a week for more than one month. In addition, it is a criterion that the well-being and everyday life of the person affected by the sleep problem are already significantly impaired, said Peter Young, director of the Department of Sleep Medicine and Neuromuscular Diseases at the University of Münster, to the news agency "dpa".

Sleeping pills quickly lead to addiction
If a chronic sleep disorder is present, many people quickly resort to sleeping pills or sedatives - in the hope of being able to return to a restful sleep and become healthier again, fitter and more efficient. But here lurks a not to be underestimated risk, because the chemical-synthetic agents lead to side effects such as metabolic disorders, a reduction in blood clotting ability gastrointestinal problems, difficulty concentrating and depression. In addition, there is the great risk of mental and physical dependence, which is why sleeping aids on the bottom line definitely have more disadvantages than benefits.

Healthy lifestyle can bring relief
Nevertheless, sufferers themselves can do something to alleviate the sleep problems. Above all, a healthy lifestyle and the observance of a few "rules" are of central importance, as, for example, abstaining from late-night meals, coffee, nicotine and alcohol, observing regular sleep times and reducing weight in the event of being overweight can already significantly improve your sleep. Even evening television can sometimes have a negative effect on sleep, because if you watch a stirring or extremely exciting movie late, you often need some time to process the impressions and come to rest. Instead, among other things, medicinal plants are a gentle way to ensure healthy sleep, because they relax and put in a quiet ground state - with no negative side effects. For example, a calming tea made of passionflower has proven its worth, as it acts as a natural "sedative" for anxiety, inner restlessness and worry. Camomile also has a relaxing effect on the body and mind and can relieve tension.

Stress, anxiety or mental illness often trigger problems
Since psychic influences such as anger, stress or mental illnesses such as depression are often the trigger for hours of watchfulness, nocturnal pondering and restless rolling around, also relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, meditation or progressive muscle relaxation can be a very effective help. However, such techniques are not effective for everyone - in addition, while these (re) falling asleep can be relieved, a restless sleep and constant waking up but this can not be "turned off". Instead, in many cases evening exercise helps here, as physical activity makes you tired. However, since the circulation and metabolism are stimulated, the training in the late hours should not be too intense - but instead a relaxed walk or a combination of exercise and relaxation such as yoga should be chosen instead. However, as mental stress can not be causally treated with exercise and relaxation, it is often the best way to combine relaxation techniques and behavioral therapy with mental sleep disorders. (No)