Effective against hypertension Yoga can normalize blood pressure

Effective against hypertension Yoga can normalize blood pressure / Health News
New study: Lowering blood pressure with yoga
In Germany, about 20 to 30 million citizens suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). Worldwide over one billion people are affected. The disease is often treated with medication. In a study has now shown that yoga can lower blood pressure.

Risk factor number one for cardiovascular diseases
According to the German Hypertension League (DHL), about 20 to 30 million people in this country suffer from hypertension. Untreated hypertension is the number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease and therefore responsible for many deaths from myocardial infarction or stroke. People who are affected often get medicines quickly, but to lower their blood pressure you do not necessarily have to resort to medication. Among other things, yoga can help here, as shown in a new study.

Yoga is not only one of the best ways to relax, but also to keep your body healthy. Among other things, the exercises help to lower the blood pressure, as researchers have now found in a study. (Image: f9photos / fotolia.com)

Lower blood pressure naturally
Hypertension is defined by a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mmHg. Meanwhile, however, the voices are growing, suggesting that 120 instead of 140 should be the new blood pressure target.

In addition to obesity or obesity, too little exercise, an unhealthy, too salty diet, increased alcohol consumption and stress are considered risk factors.

In order to lower the blood pressure, it is usually advised to exercise regularly, to eat healthy and varied foods and to avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and being overweight. Also home remedies for high blood pressure, such as Kneipp's applications, can help to improve blood pressure levels. And also regular yoga, as researchers now report.

Yoga for cardiac arrhythmias
Only a few months ago, scientists from the European Society of Cardiology reported on a study that said yoga massively improves the quality of life of people with sudden cardiac arrhythmias.

The Indian philosophical doctrine with its mental and physical exercises has even more positive effects on the cardiovascular system. According to a new study, people with pre-hypertension can significantly lower their blood pressure through yoga.

The results of the scientists around Dr. Ashutosh Angrish, a cardiologist at Sir Gangaram Hospital in Delhi, India, has now been featured in specialist magazines such as EurekAlert !..

Stretching exercises, breath control and meditation
"Patients with pre-hypertension (slightly elevated blood pressure) are likely to develop high blood pressure unless they improve their lifestyle," Dr. Ashutosh Angrish. "Both pre-hypertension and hypertension increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure."

The study looked at the effects of hatha yoga on 60 subjects with pre-hypertension who were otherwise healthy. The average age of participants was 54 years.

All patients were recommended to have a healthier lifestyle with aerobics, well-balanced diet and smoking cessation, while one half of the group practiced yoga with stretching, breathing control and meditation for three months in parallel.

Prevent hypertension
The researchers found that the blood pressure in the subjects who did not practice yoga hardly changed. On the other hand, in the yoga group, the mean of the 24-hour measurement of both diastolic and arterial blood pressure decreased by 4.5 and 4.9 mmHg, respectively.

"Even though the reduction in blood pressure is low, it is medically important because reducing dihydric blood pressure by as little as two mmHg can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by six percent and that of stroke and ischemic attack by up to 15 percent ", Dr. Angrish.

However, according to the scientist, it is unclear how exactly the effect of reducing blood pressure comes about. According to study authors, people with pre-hypertension should practice one hour of hatha yoga daily. "This can prevent the onset of high blood pressure and in addition to a general well-being," said Dr. Angrish. (Ad)