Health News - Page 734

Apples, cinnamon, ginger prevent diabetes

Apples, cinnamon, ginger and Co. prevent diabetes23/11/2013 In Germany, diabetes mellitus type 2 is spreading more and more rapidly. The...

Apples - The underrated sweet vitamin bombs

Protect from the sun and eat the shell08/26/2013 Especially on the storage of fruits and vegetables, most consumers worry little,...

Pfeiffer's glandular fever blood test brings clarity in the case of the kiss disease

Clarity after blood test: Safely recognize Pfeiffer's glandular feverSore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy: The symptoms of Pfeiffer's glandular fever are similar...

Pipe flowers - Cancer danger by medicinal plant

The Chinese medicine uses pipe flowers against rheumatism, intestinal complaints and control problems; in Europe, they served as midwives and...

Peppermint oil can help with irritable bowel syndrome

Peppermint oil can relieve irritable bowel discomfort. (14.06.2010) About 30 percent of all Germans suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Medications...

Deposit system or environmental tax greens argue against coffee capsules

"Ecological aberration": Greens want to reduce consumption of aluminum coffee capsulesCoffee is brewed with small aluminum capsules not only in...

To motivate children to solve the problem

When a child tells others, the environment is often annoyed. But parents should not immediately grumble and admonish, but first...

Petition Wikipedia and Homeopathy

06/25/2014 The Wikipedia page on homeopathy is unfortunately very tendentious and not up to date scientific. But any attempt to...

Petition against Hartz IV penalties

Petition to the Bundestag against Hartz IV sanctions started 04/12/2013 Even minimal offenses within the Hartz IV system can lead...