Deposit system or environmental tax greens argue against coffee capsules

Deposit system or environmental tax greens argue against coffee capsules / Health News
"Ecological aberration": Greens want to reduce consumption of aluminum coffee capsules
Coffee is brewed with small aluminum capsules not only in large offices, but also in more and more private households. This type of preparation can sometimes be associated with a slight health risk, but above all, it provides for huge garbage mountains. The Greens want to announce the manufacturers of the capsules now fight.

Very bad environmental balance
The Greens in the Bundestag want to announce the fight with manufacturers of aluminum coffee capsules. The party's environmental spokesman, Peter Meiwald, told the "Spiegel": "The trend towards coffee capsules is ecologically wrong, because it means a huge waste of resources and energy. Comfort can not be at the expense of the general public. "According to the information, almost three billion coffee capsules were consumed in Germany in 2014, which corresponds to a garbage dump of around 5,000 tons of aluminum and plastic. According to Meiwald, lawmakers are in demand if companies do not voluntarily submit concepts for waste prevention. "For example, a deposit system or an environmental tax on the capsules could help."

The Greens demand vigorous action against aluminum coffee capsules (Image: max dallocco /

Germs in capsule coffee machines
In addition to the environmental aspect, many opponents also criticize the costs, which, even for cheap coffee capsules of one kilogram, are higher than with conventional powders. In addition, there is a small health risk that can threaten with the preparation. Thus, a large part of the Nespresso coffee machines is contaminated according to a study bacterial. A few months ago, scientists from the Universidad de Valencia had found almost 70 different germs in the containers for used capsules and drip trays. The pathogens found could be weakened especially for people whose immune system is already compromised and pose a health risk to infants. They are prone to urinary and gastrointestinal infections, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. There are apparently enough reasons against the capsules. (Ad)