Pfeiffer's glandular fever blood test brings clarity in the case of the kiss disease
Sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy: The symptoms of Pfeiffer's glandular fever are similar to those of influenza. A blood test can make it clear which disease is behind the symptoms. Therapy for the disease does not exist.
Symptoms of "kiss disease" are similar to those of a flu
Although kissing strengthens the immune system and reduces stress, a single intense kiss also transmits millions of bacteria. Thus, among other things, hepatitis B, herpes in the mouth or transmitted by the Epstein-Barr virus Pfeiffersche glandular fever can be transmitted. The latter is therefore also known as "kiss disease". The symptoms of Pfeiffer's glandular fever are similar to those of a flu-like infection. For this reason, the disease is often recognized late. Those affected are often out of action for weeks. In a message from the news agency dpa a lot of interesting facts about the disease is compiled.
This is how to recognize Pfeiffer's glandular fever
In children, the disease is usually almost without symptoms. Many adults suffer from fatigue and listlessness. The treacherous nature of Pfeiffer's glandular fever: The symptoms are similar to those of a flu-like infection. Symptoms include fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. "Clarity brings a blood test," said Michael Kulas to the dpa. The general practitioner with practice in Wallerfangen near Saarlouis advises the test if the fever lasts more than three days and you feel very ill. Spleen and liver may swell in some cases. According to Kulas, this is only unpleasant for the liver, in the spleen it can be dangerous in rare cases. "It can break down in case of extreme swelling."
Antibiotics do not help against the disease
The Epstein-Barr virus-triggered Pfeiffersche glandular fever is a viral infection - antibiotics therefore do not help. "There is no therapy for Pfeiffer's glandular fever," says Kulas. According to the expert, who is also a member of the board of the German Association of General Practitioners, the disease heals by itself over time, but this may take several weeks. During this time helps physical rest. "Sport is taboo," emphasized Kulas. Alcohol should be avoided. Other professionals also recommend drinking a lot, especially if the patients have a fever. Medication or natural methods such as home remedies for fever can help with the individual complaints.
Risk of infection not only when kissing
The dpa message also explains why the disease is called "kiss disease": The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon area, where the disease is also called "kissing disease" (English for kisses). According to the information, the viruses are transmitted most effectively via the saliva. "Kissing is ideal," says Kulas. But it does not have to be so intimate, even drinking from the same bottle can be enough to infect someone. The risk of infection decreases only when the symptoms have subsided. According to Kulas, the viruses are then trapped in the lymphocytes and no longer in the throat. (Ad)