Health News - Page 56

Xeroderma Pigmento The life-threatening sun

Rare skin disease: sun eats the skin 07/05/2014 The skin disease Xeroderma Pigmentosum is very rare. While in the US...

WWF Shopping Guide Good or bad meat in the supermarket?

WWF Guide shows which meat is ecologically ethically acceptable Fewer and fewer people want to eat meat or sausages from...

Fury spasm can cause fainting in the child

An angry spasm can cause the child to faint 04/11/2012 A convulsive spasm in the child is usually harmless. Young...

Tantrums increase the heart attack risk

Tantrum increases risk of heart attack and stroke05/03/2014 According to a US study, a tantrum increases the risk of suffering...

Forming anger without swear words Children can learn it

Children must learn to express anger without swear wordsYoung children can not properly control their feelings of strong frustration, fear...

Anger The right way to deal with emotional outbursts

The right way to deal with anger 06/06/2012 Outbursts of anger usually come unexpectedly. Sometimes a wrong word is enough...

Anger in men often causes depression

Tantrums, increased risk taking, and aggression can all cause depression in men15/11/2013 When men suffer from depression, they usually have...

Sausage eating increases the risk of death

If you eat a lot of ham and sausage every day, you're more likely to die 09.03.2013 Daily meat consumption...

Worm infections protect against allergies

Protect worm infections of intestinal worms from allergies? A worm infection reduces the risk of allergy sufferers considerably, because the...