Health News - Page 55

Yoga relieves symptoms of bronchial asthma

Yoga exercises can alleviate the symptoms of bronchial asthma and improve patients' quality of life. Yoga does not seem to...

Yoga Congress in Horn-Bad Meinberg

Yoga Vidya organizes for the second time the Business Yoga Congress in Horn-Bad Meinberg 22.03.2012 From 1 to 3 June,...

Yoga Now Recognized UN Decides Yoga Day

United Nations General Assembly calls 21 June for Yoga Day12/12/2014 Yoga has a positive effect on the body and mind....

Yoga helps with mental disorders

Yoga is a promising approach in the complementary treatment of mental disorders. Psychologists from Jena came to this conclusion, who...

Yoga for a healthy psyche

Depression: Passing the sadness through yoga 29/01/2013 According to the users, yoga can have many positive effects on health, ranging...

Yoga for the cure of breast cancer

Yoga for the cure of breast cancer: A new initiative supports KOMEN Germany in breast cancer screening 28.12.2012 On Sunday,...

Yoga as effective against back pain as physiotherapy

Special yoga exercises can reduce back pain?Back pain is a common disease that can be triggered for example by traumatic...

Yoga exercises reduce the side effects of radiation treatment for prostate cancer

Experts are studying effects of yoga on the treatment of prostate cancerYoga involves various mental and physical exercises. Many people...

Yoga & Meditation Alternative Breast Cancer Therapy

Breast cancer: alternative treatments for anxiety28/10/2014 Many breast cancer patients who find out about their illness sooner or later come...