Fury spasm can cause fainting in the child

Fury spasm can cause fainting in the child / Health News

An angry spasm can cause the child to faint


A convulsive spasm in the child is usually harmless. Young children can not control their feelings, so that feelings such as strong frustration or anxiety in so-called respiratory affect cramps can express. As the child stops breathing for a short time, a spasm can lead to fainting. Experts advise parents to be vigilant.

Fury is usually harmless and over quickly
When children get into the defiance phase, anger cramps sometimes start. The child stops breathing for a short time and may even faint. As a rule, however, the seizures are harmless and quickly over again. Nevertheless, parents should be careful.

„In case of a convulsive spasm, parents should make sure that their child can not hurt themselves if it falls or strikes, "explains Professor Hans-Jürgen Nentwich, board member of the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ), to the news agency „dpa“. The child's mouth should be free of leftovers or sweets so that nothing can slip into the trachea. „Ideally, those present place the unconscious child in a lateral position, but usually the seizure is too short until it resumes breathing. "

In rare cases, fainting has other causes
Most children between the ages of six months and six years suffer from respiratory distress. They occur less and less often when the child can better control his feelings from school age. Although the seizures are usually harmless and over in a matter of seconds, parents should go to the doctor with their child when they first appear. In rare cases, other causes may also be present such as convulsions (epilepsy), cardiac arrhythmias or iron deficiency. „Usually, over time, parents know what triggers an affect spasm on their child, "explains Nentwich. „Often there is anger, fear or strong frustration at the beginning of such a tantrum. "The child's complexion turns bluish. „But children deliberately do not do that, it's a kind of reflex. "A similar syncope can, in very rare cases, be triggered by sudden fright, in which the child immediately becomes very pale.

„Fever cramps often occur with minimal triggers such as discomfort. As a rule, the dramatic symptoms disappear quickly. Parents can hold their children to take a deep breath. That calms the little ones“, advises Gritli Bertram, social pedagogue from Hanover.

Basically, however, the attacks of the little ones should not lead to parents giving their children an excessive amount of attention and setting no limits, reports the BVKJ. Guilty behavior could trigger a vicious circle. (Ag)

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Image: Sabrina Gonstalla