Health News - Page 39

Ticks are more likely to have sex outdoors, otherwise tick bites threaten

Safe sex in the tick-timeSummer, sun, tick bite: Sex in the open air is very popular with many women and...

Ticks love mild weather

Ticks love mild weather 07/13/2013 Summer is back and many people spend their time outdoors. But beware: The wet weather...

Ticks are lurking in the bushes for their victims

Ticks are particularly prevalent this year 23/07/2013 Barbecues, swimming, long walks or a picnic in the forest: the midsummer temperatures...

Ticks Now protect against tick bites

Tips for dealing with tick bites: Increased danger from ticks due to late summer beginning 20/06/2013 Many people who currently...

Tick ​​infections Antibiotic gel can prevent Lyme disease

Antibiotic gel successfully tested for the prevention of Lyme diseaseIf the winter continues to be so mild, threatens again in...

Ticks in the also winter health experts are now advising on precautionary measures

Dangerous disease carriers: Protect against ticks even in winter Some people think that ticks are basically not active in winter....

Ticks Danger These are the TBE risk areas in Germany

In Germany, the number of risk areas for tick-borne TBE infection has increased by three. A total of 145 counties...

Ticks FSME status on yellow

Ticks in summer: TBE status in some regions to yellow. (03.07.2010) The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has reported some cases...

Ticks generate early Lyme disease cases

Early ticks cause first Lyme disease cases04/20/2014 Ticks are particularly early this year because of the mild temperatures. A tick...