Health News - Page 38

Ticks become active

Rising temperature makes ticks mobile 04/18/2013 With the rising temperature, the ticks are gradually becoming active again, so that a...

Ticks were less active in 2012

Infectious diseases after tick bites decreased in 2012 22/03/2013 The infectious diseases transmitted by ticks declined throughout Germany in 2012,...

Tick ​​provisions for the holiday trip

Like every year, many people start planning their holidays in the spring. Countless destinations are available. Those who deal with...

Ticks are active again

Sudden redness of the skin may indicate borreliosis 04/04/2013 When temperatures rise slowly after the winter, the ticks also become...

Ticks swim into the organism

Research: Ticks swim in the human body 30/10/2013 Almost everyone is disgusted and people who have been bitten by them...

Tick ​​protection Experts call for vaccination against FSME

Increase in TBE cases: Experts call for vaccinationIn Baden-Württemberg, almost twice as many people were affected last year by the...

Ticks season has begun early panic unnecessary

No need to panic against ticks: low risk of transmission 15/04/2012 This year, the tick season started earlier than in...

Tick-risk in southern Germany very high

First South German tick congress: highest risk of ticks in southern Germany 19.03.2012 This week the first South German tick...

Ticks Doctors ask for TBE vaccination

Ticks: Physicians ask for TBE vaccination06/13/2014 Summer time, warm time: The best weather for ticks. Doctors advise to TBE vaccine,...