Ticks are active again

Ticks are active again / Health News

Sudden redness of the skin may indicate borreliosis


When temperatures rise slowly after the winter, the ticks also become active. Although the number of tick-borne infectious diseases has declined over the past year, recurrent cases of Lyme disease and early-summer meningo-encephalitis (TBE) can be life-threatening.

Lyme disease in children often with spherical blue-red skin swelling
A long winter with up to minus 20 degrees can not harm ticks. Already at plus five to six degrees the activity of the arachnids increases again. Then they look for host animals for their blood meal such as hedgehogs, foxes, mice and other forest mammals. Man is not spared by the little bloodsuckers. Although a tick bite is initially not dangerous, but the animals can transmit with their saliva Borrelia, causing Lyme disease. If a tick bite is detected, the tick should be removed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection. If skin redness occurs around the bite, seek medical advice immediately. Typically, antibiotics are prescribed.

As Curt Beil of the Professional Association of German Neurologists in Krefeld informed, swells the skin around the affected area in children mostly spherical blue-red. In some cases, however, neither redness nor swelling would occur. The course of the disease is then creeping and chronic, so the expert. The symptoms included severe pain in the back and stomach, as well as in the arms and legs. It could even lead to facial paralysis. Even swollen, aching joints could be an indication of Lyme disease.

Ticks also transmit TBE
In addition to Lyme disease, ticks can also transmit Early Summer Meningo Encephalitis (TBE). It is a life-threatening condition that can cause inflammation in the brain and meninges. In some cases, the infection can only be manifested by flu-like symptoms such as fever. In contrast to Lyme disease, vaccination against FSME is possible. According to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), vaccination is recommended for all persons who are in the risk areas between April and November and who are working (agriculture and forestry) or leisure activities (jogging, Walking) could come in contact with ticks.

Body-covering clothing to protect against ticks
If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you can reduce the risk of a tick bite with just a few measures. Body-covering clothing with tight cuffs on the legs, socks and sleeves is often sufficient. In addition, the socks can be pulled over the pants, so that the ticks have no access to the skin. After a stay outdoors, it is advisable to thoroughly scan the whole body for ticks. If a tick has bitten, it should be removed as quickly as possible with the help of tweezers or a so-called ticks. From supposed household remedies such as glue or oil to kill the animal advises the tick expert Prof. Dr. med. Ute Mackenstedt. In this way, the risk of infection would only increase because the animals emptied their stomach contents in the bite site and thereby increasingly release bacteria and viruses. (Sb)

Also read:
Carefully remove ticks from pets
Tick-risk in southern Germany very high
Doctors: carefully remove ticks with tweezers
The tick season has begun
Prevention: Do not panic with ticks
TBE and Lyme disease by tick bites

Image: Tamara Hoffmann