Health News - Page 40

Ticks The risk of ticks increases

The time of the ticks begins 03/15/2015 In the past year, far fewer patients in Germany became ill with TBE...

Ticks You should know that with tick bites

What should be considered with ticks and tick bites 13/06/2012 Although tick bites are harmless, the small bloodsuckers can transmit...

Ticks also spread in cities

Danger of infection: Ticks also spread in cities 06/18/2014 In German cities ticks continue to spread. This is also because...

Ticks transmit new bacterial disease

Ticks are carriers of a new bacterial disease 01.11.2012 New tick-borne disease discovered. Swiss researchers at the University of Zurich...

Ticks Seven TBE cases in Hesse

Meningitis: so far seven cases of FSME in Hesse 08/11/2014 This year, the dangerous meningitis FSME, which is transmitted by...

Carefully remove ticks from pets

Carefully remove ticks from humans, dogs and cats The time of the ticks has begun. Especially pets like dogs and...

Ticks increase in Lyme disease cases

Ticks: Continuous increase of Lyme disease cases in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern On Monday, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin published...

Ticks are best removed with tweezers

Ticks are best removed with tweezers 23/03/2011 With the warmer temperatures, the ticks are also active again. After an outdoor...

Ticks alarm in Germany?

Ticks: alarm in Germany? Lyme disease and early-summer meningoencephalitis (TBE) are two diseases that can be caused by ticks. There...