Health News - Page 286

Survey Results Never before have so many Germans used condoms to protect themselves from HIV

Protection against HIV: As many Germans as never before use condomsThe United Nations has agreed last year on an ambitious...

Survey Satisfied with the health system

Germans justify the solidarity-based health system 09/10/2014 Most Germans are satisfied with the health system. This resulted in a population-representative...

Survey Many patients are open to alternative medical treatment

Many people are quite open to alternative medicine therapiesAn unrepresentative survey of jameda, a portal for medical and naturopathic recommendations,...

Survey Many people rely on Naturopathy

Many people trust in naturopathy: according to a non-representative survey of the internet portal for naturopathy „“ easily put more...

Survey Many meat eaters want to live vegan

Survey: Many meat eaters want to live vegan 02/02/2015 According to an online survey, most meat eaters agree with the...

Survey Are weather complaints more female?

Headache, Circulatory Problems and Co: Are weather complaints female?In certain weather conditions or a change in the weather, many people...

Survey ambulances are often far too late in big cities

The rescue service takes too long in many German cities until it arrives at the emergency patient. This is the...

Survey majority for cannabis use as medicine

According to a survey, the majority of Germans have spoken out in favor of the use of cannabis in seriously...

Survey massage relieves pain

Around 80 percent of respondents report relief of discomfort following a massage 02/13/2013 Almost every second German laments backache. To...