Survey massage relieves pain

Around 80 percent of respondents report relief of discomfort following a massage
Almost every second German laments backache. To relieve the pain, many sufferers go to the classic massage. According to a representative survey of the opinion and research institute GfK on behalf of the „pharmacy magazine“ For pain or medical reasons, three out of ten respondents have used a massage. 77 percent said that they achieved a lasting improvement in symptoms.
Although the study can not prove that the reasons for the complaints have also objectively elapsed, most people stated that they suffered from less subjective pain after the massage.
Compared to the Umschau, physiotherapist Ina Wolff confirms the survey results. „Classic massage treats any muscle tension. It has a calming effect on the psyche, sometimes heat packs reinforce the effect“.
In addition to classic massage, lymphatic drainage, traditional Thai massages or manual therapies for osteopathy can relieve back or back pain. After one or more sessions, the lymph can flow again and tensions are relaxed. „However, the causes should be followed, otherwise the tensions are quickly back“, gives Dr. Andreas Marquardt to consider. A massage can only alleviate symptoms, the expert said. (Sb)