Health News - Page 2148

16 percent of adolescents suffer from iron deficiency

Unilateral diet: Many adolescents in Germany suffer from iron deficiency 07/15/2012 The Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) has pointed out...

15 minutes of exercise prolongs life

If you actively move daily for at least 15 minutes, you can extend your life 12/28/2011 „move!“, should be the...

15 minutes of exercise increases life expectancy

15 minutes of exercise in the lunch break against Schnitzelkoma18/02/2014 Anyone who finds time to move 15 minutes during their...

15,000 deaths from hospital infections

Hundreds of thousands of patients become infected annually in the hospital 03/10/2011 According to the information provided by the statutory...

15th Thuringian Heilpraktikertag in Erfurt

15th Thuringian Healing Practitioners Day in Erfurt: pain treatment, antibiotics, autoimmune diseases 03/05/2013 On Saturday, May 11, 2013, the 15th...

14 kilogram tumor removed

Doctors of the Cologne University Hospital remove a 14.3-kilogram tumor 29/08/2012 Last week at the University of Cologne, a woman...

14-year-old infected with TBC

14-year-old infected with TB: Students are being tested for tuberculosis 31.08.2013 After the announcement of the TBC disease of a...

14,000 Germans unknowingly infected with HIV

Thousands of Germans live unaware of HIV 04/11/2014 Thousands of people in Germany are infected with HIV without knowing it....

13 million euro surplus of IKK Südwest

13 million euros surplus in 2010: health insurance IKK Südwest draws positive balance 15/03/2011 While other public health insurance companies...