13 million euro surplus of IKK Südwest

13 million euro surplus of IKK Südwest / Health News

13 million euros surplus in 2010: health insurance IKK Südwest draws positive balance


While other public health insurance companies are in the red, IKK Südwest was able to record a surplus last year. In 2010, the health insurance fund reported that it had a revenue surplus of around 13 million euros. In the past year, the IKK spent a total of 1.06 billion euros for the medical care of its insured. Compared to the previous year, this is an increase of 5.7 per cent per member. The lion's share of spending is attributable to hospital costs, which rose to € 339.1 million (plus 7.2 percent per member). The cost of outpatient medical care was around 198.3 million euros (plus 4.4 percent per member). For 2010, IKK Südwest reported expenditure of 170.4 million euros (plus 6.8 percent per member).

„Although our overall performance expenses have risen, we do not expect any additional contributions from our members due to our solid financial situation“, explains Frank Spaniol, CEO of IKK Südwest. „Thus, we continue to offer a significant price advantage over other health insurance companies.“ After welcoming more than 40,000 new members last year, IKK Südwest expects its membership to grow at an above-average rate again this year. Currently, IKK Südwest manages over 680,000 insured persons and more than 100,000 businesses in the region. (Pm)