15 minutes of exercise prolongs life

15 minutes of exercise prolongs life / Health News

If you actively move daily for at least 15 minutes, you can extend your life


„move!“, should be the good intent for the new year. A recent study from Taiwan shows that 15 minutes of exercise a day can extend life expectancy by three years. In addition, study participants who moved daily for a quarter of an hour showed a decreased mortality of 14 percent over lazy study participants.

Movement for a healthy life
According to a study with more than 400,000 participants, the life expectancy is extended by three years by 15 minutes of exercise per day. The scientists studied women and men in Taiwan from 1996 to 2008 during the annual screening. The participants were also asked about their physical activity. Based on information on the intensity and duration of the activity, the study participants were divided into five groups, which included inactive people with no exercise in their free time and people with low, medium, high and very high activity. During the study period, the health status of the participants was observed and then compared to how many people had died in the respective groups.

By 15 minutes of exercise a day mortality was reduced by 14 percent
Already in the low activity group - about 15 minutes a day or 92 minutes a week - scientists around Chi Pang Wen of the National Health Research Institutes in Zhunan were able to prove that the mortality rate of those participants was 14 percent less than those of the lazy participants was lower. The doctors also found that their life expectancy was about three years higher on average.

In the further course, the research team examined the cause of death of the deceased study participants. The result shows that even a minimum exercise of about 15 minutes daily significantly reduces the risk of many serious diseases: The likelihood of getting cancer is reduced by ten percent, in vascular diseases by 19 percent, in heart disease by 25 percent, in strokes by 12 percent and in diabetes by eleven percent.

Professor Hans-Christoph Diener, Director of the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital Essen, for the German Society of Neurology (DGN), explains: „Since previous research has already shown significant health benefits from 2.5 hours of physical activity per week, these recent data are good news for less strong-willed people.“ The neurologist reports: „Those who get their strength will be rewarded - thus reducing their risk of stroke as well as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.“

The risk of illness decreases the more you move
Further results of the scientists from the statistical survey prove earlier findings: the risk of illness decreases the more one moves. The researchers from Taiwan were able to scientifically prove that the total mortality rate decreased by four percent with every fifteen minutes of daily movement. The cancer mortality decreased by one percent. Professor Diener explains: „ It is also noteworthy that this benefit extended across all groups studied. Men benefited from 15 minutes of exercise daily as well as women, the young and the elderly, and the healthy as well as the sick, overweight, smokers, drinkers or people at increased risk for vascular disease.“

Interesting in this context is that the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a minimum level of exercise that is almost twice as high as that found in the study in Taiwan as beneficial to health. Wen's scientists said that according to their calculations, they could still delay around one-sixth of all deaths.

Exercise not only helps the body but also the psyche
In addition to the health benefits for the body, the psychological aspect of exercise should not be underestimated. For years, psychologists have been recommending long walks in the fresh air, relaxation exercises and sports that one can enjoy „impoverish“ can, against the stress of everyday life but also against depression.

Relaxation through exercise
Ideal for people of all ages are training systems such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Depending on your level of knowledge and physical condition, the exercises can be performed slowly and meditatively or athletically under martial arts aspects. Tai Chi is part of the so-called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been used for many years in Europe for the prevention and support of the healing process of various diseases.

Nils Klug, Tai Chi teacher from Hanover and president of the „Taijiquan & Qi Gong Federation for Europe“ (TCFE) explains to "Heilpraxisnet": „I recommend my students to practice Tai Chi at least ten minutes in the mornings and evenings. Tai Chi exercises not only keep the body fit, the mind remains flexible. The body-mind coordination of the Tai Chi or Qi Gong exercises has a very beneficial effect and regular practice enhances this effect.“ (Ag)

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Image: Sparkie