Health News - Page 2094

Alcohol in pregnancy Even a glass is dangerous

Alcohol should be completely taboo during pregnancyMany people think that it does not matter if pregnant women sometimes drink a...

Alcohol in cola included

Assumption confirmed: Coke contains alcohol 06/28/2012 According to a new French study, cola contains small amounts of alcohol. This was...

Alcohol fasting in January - Healthy start to the new year

Can the one-month abstinence from alcohol be beneficial to your health?? Instagram is currently flooded with posts using the #DryJanuary...

Alcohol impairs the night vision

Alcohol impairs eyesight in traffic31/10/2014 Spanish scientists have found that even small amounts of alcohol negatively affect the night vision....

Alcohol & cannabis - bad mixed use with fatal consequences

Alcohol significantly enhances the effect of cannabisSince legalization of cannabis in several US states, the question of possible interactions with...

Alcohol and obesity add up

Liver diseases: Heavy drinking and obesity add up. Nothing new is that the heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages multiplies the...

Alicante Ebola suspicion in Spain

Ebola in Europe: suspected case in Spanish resort 08/17/2014 In the Spanish port city of Alicante, a Nigerian suspected of...

Aliana is dead Six-year-old child succumbed by measles infection consequences

Late effects of the infection: Six-year-old Aliana dies of measles encephalitis SSPEIn Hesse, a little girl died from the sequelae...

Algae preparations Afa algae contain toxins

The Stiftung Warentest warns against algae preparations that contain bacterial toxins. 28/01/2011 Numerous algae remedies have been offered in Germany...