Aliana is dead Six-year-old child succumbed by measles infection consequences

Aliana is dead Six-year-old child succumbed by measles infection consequences / Health News
Late effects of the infection: Six-year-old Aliana dies of measles encephalitis SSPE
In Hesse, a little girl died from the sequelae of a measles infection. Six-year-old Aliana suffered from chronic measles encephalitis SSPE. The mother of the little ones had already in the last year made aware of the illness of her daughter and pointed out the importance of the measles vaccine.

Girl dies of long-term effects of a measles infection
Aliana was only six years old. The girl from Hesse suffered for years from the chronic measles encephalitis SSPE (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis), in which measles viruses destroy nerve cells in the brain. The disease is the sequelae of a measles infection and is always fatal. On Thursday she lost her fight against the disease. The public had been alerted to the girl's illness last year. Her mother had publicized her daughter's story to highlight the importance of a measles vaccine.

The small Aliana from Hesse suffered for years from the chronic measles encephalitis SSPE. Now she died at the age of six. If her mother had been vaccinated, she would have been protected. (Image: Stock Photos-MG /

No harmless teething
As health experts repeatedly emphasize, measles is not a harmless childhood disease. The disease also affects adults. Therefore, if necessary, they should check their measles vaccine protection.

Aliana would not have been infected if her mother had been vaccinated. The girl has been dealing with infections lately, said her pediatrician in Bad Hersfeld, Georg Johann Witte, according to a statement from the German Press Agency. This is a consequence of the disease.

In the coming year, Aliana should move to an integrative kindergarten in Bebra, because she had developed well. Her family had even bought a big car to transport the disabled girl in her wheelchair. But as far as it should not come: Aliana died.

Mother was not vaccinated
Her mother went public with the disease last year to alert other mothers to the importance of having a measles vaccine for them. According to the information, she herself had fallen through the grid, as was inadequately or not vaccinated decades ago.

The Berlin pediatrician Martin Terhardt, member of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, said according to a message from the news agency dpa: "This tragic case shows how dangerous measles can be."

"The virus is highly contagious. Especially infants are at risk because they can not be vaccinated yet, "says the expert.

Nest protection is reduced after a few months
In Germany, the measles vaccine is recommended for children from the eleventh month of life, for infants in a daycare from the ninth month.

Mothers who have antibodies due to a vaccine or a former measles disease can protect their children from measles and other infectious diseases in the first few months.

But: "Recent studies show that this nest protection can be reduced by six months," warned Terhardt.

Vaccination rates in children improved significantly
Although the WHO Regional Office for Europe had called for an "intensification of measles vaccination efforts" last year, given the significant increase in measles infections.

However, among children in Germany, vaccination rates have improved significantly since 2000. This proved studies at the beginning of school. According to RKI figures, the children were at 96.7 percent in 2012 and 92.4 in the second spiked. However, the targeted eradication of the disease can succeed only from 95 percent long-term.

Majority of Germans for vaccination
About the question of measles vaccination - yes or no? has been fiercely arguing for years. In this context, there is also a recurring call for measles immigration, which according to polls would be welcomed by the majority of Germans.

Vaccination opponents point out, among other things, possible side effects of immunization such as redness, swelling, fever or rash. Compared to the effects of measles disease, in which the immune system is weakened and various symptoms such as fever, otitis media or diarrhea may occur, the risks of vaccination are not a comparison, my advocates.

Not to mention the rare serious, sometimes fatal complications. (Ad)