Algae preparations Afa algae contain toxins

Algae preparations Afa algae contain toxins / Health News

The Stiftung Warentest warns against algae preparations that contain bacterial toxins.


Numerous algae remedies have been offered in Germany for quite some time in drugstores and shops. They promise a long life and good health. But according to consumer advocates, some varieties of manufacturers contain toxic substances that are carcinogenic. The product testers warn strongly against the purchase and consumption of the tested algae preparations.

Algae (especially kelp) are mainly used as food in Asia. Algae are tasteless or slightly salty. In this country consumers know algae on sushi and nori. These algae are safe and contain a lot of iodine, minerals and vitamins. But there are also algae that should be avoided, as they contain toxic substances that are carcinogenic. In addition, they can cause damage to the kidney, liver and brain. Particularly harmful are so-called „Afa algae“. This blue-eyed species grows in a lake in the American Oregon. During a survey of the Stiftung Warentest, the testers mainly took the products "Afa-Alge" (GSE, 60 pieces 21.30 euros), "Blue Green Algae" (Hannes Pharma, 120 pieces 51 euros) and "Blue-green Afa-algae" (Wilco, 150 pieces 31.50 Euro) under the magnifying glass. In all products the Stiftung Warentest found traces of a bacterial toxin.

Colloquially, these algae species are also known as blue-green or blue "Uralgen". These algae contain bacteria. Some bacterial strains develop toxins that cause lasting damage to the nervous system, the liver and the brain. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized the Afa algae as „possibly“ carcinogenic. The goods testers warned against consumption, otherwise the health of consumers could be at risk. Data on a curative effect, which should be effective in infectious diseases, depression or for weight reduction, have so far not been proven by studies.

The Afa algae are not kept in Germany as medicines, but only as a dietary supplement. Medicines are subject to constant review, unlike dietary supplements.

Not all algae are harmful. Sea kelp with the Japanese around the corner can be consumed in any case without a guilty conscience. Kelp contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and hardly any fat. Due to the very high content of iodine, the algae should be consumed only moderately by Europeans, otherwise there is a threat of hyperthyroidism. (Sb)

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Picture: Günter Havlena