ALG II No need for extra breastfeeding

ALG II No need for extra breastfeeding / Health News

Unemployment benefit II: No additional need for breastfeeding mothers


The Social Court in Wiesbaden has according to information of the magazine „“ judges that nursing mothers are not entitled to an additional need. During pregnancy, women have more needs for costly nutrition. Because the applicants saw a difference in treatment here, they complained of a greater need for regulation.

But the Social Court did not share the view of the lawsuit. The additional need for pregnant women is not transferable to breastfeeding, as stated in the grounds of the judgment. There is no legal basis for the request, the judges said. The rule requirement is conceived as a lump sum, which over the § 21 SGB II also takes no peculiarities into account. After all, mothers would also save money if they breast-fed instead of baby food. Accordingly, despite the increased calorie demand, there is no additional financial need for mothers in the Hartz IV benefit scheme. (Ag)