Alessandra Meyer-Wölden had her children vaccinated against meningitis

Alessandra Meyer-Wölden had her children vaccinated against meningitis / Health News
World Meningitis Day: Meningitis vaccine can save lives

Again and again there are deaths due to meningitis. It is especially tragic when babies or children are affected. It was not until January of this year that an infant died from the dangerous meningitis. On the occasion of the World Meningitis Day, Model and Triple Mum Alessandra Meyer-Wölden talks about meningitis vaccination.

Vaccination against meningitis
Meningitis calls in Germany every year about 40 deaths. Mostly babies are affected. Of the average 430 registered meningococcal cases, every fifth survivor suffers from sequelae such as deafness, seizures or loss of limbs. However, vaccination may protect against meningitis. Mostly the infection is triggered by meningococcus B, which can cause the death of the patient within 24 hours. A vaccine against these pathogens has only been available since the end of 2013. Previously there were only meningococcal vaccines of serogroups A, C, W and Y..

"If there is a prevention against this terrible disease, then of course I take it to protect my children," quotes the online edition of the magazine "focus" triple mom Meyer-Wölden. The 32-year-old is the mother of a daughter (5) and of twin sons (3). She had her children vaccinated against meningitis.

World Meningitis Day is designed to educate about the risks of the disease
On April 24, the meningitis day takes place worldwide to inform about the disease. At the same time, vaccination is the only efficient prophylaxis against the dangerous disease. In addition to infections of the brain and spinal cord, meningococci can also cause blood poisoning.

So far, according to the standard vaccination recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), children in Germany have only been vaccinated against meningococcal C since 2006. Most meningitis cases in infants are caused by meningococcus B. The Saxon Vaccination Commission (SIKO) and the Vaccination Commission of the German Academy of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DAKJ) therefore also recommend a MenB vaccine, although there is no standard recommendation for this. While Germany lags behind here, vaccination is actively recommended by the health authorities in almost all EU member states. In the UK, there will soon be a nationwide meningococcal B vaccine for babies. After all, some health insurance companies voluntarily refund the vaccination costs in this country. Last year, about 100,000 vaccine doses were given.

According to Meyer-Wölden, "these vaccinations should be mandatory. There is no reason today that some illnesses such as measles or meningitis still exist, let alone that children die as a result of such diseases. "(Ag)

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