Health News - Page 1827

Colonoscopy reduces the risk of cancer

Cancer Research: Colonoscopy significantly reduces cancer risk 01/05/2011 Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have used a comprehensive...

Colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia

Colonoscopy for the early detection of colorectal cancer 08/21/2013 A colonoscopy (Colonoscopy) is for many people the sheer horror. The...

Colonoscopy reduces cancer risk by 40 percent

Every 10 years for colonoscopy: Reduce cancer risk by colonoscopy by 40 percent 09/21/2013 According to a recent US study,...

Colonoscopy effective for cancer screening

Colonoscopy has proven itself in cancer screening 07/11/2014 Precautionary colonoscopy (colonoscopy) has proven to be an effective means of preventing...

Intestinal microbiota How does the intestinal flora protect us humans from infections?

Intestinal microbiota can protect against Salmonella infectionsThe function of the intestinal flora has long been underestimated and only in recent...

Colon cancer screening Millions of people unnecessarily risk their lives

Why we should go to the colorectal cancer screening from a certain age Certainly, a colorectal cancer screening is not...

Colon cancer screening workers should ask for precautionary services

Ask employers for offers on colorectal cancer screeningColon cancer is responsible for more than 26,000 deaths in Germany every year....

Colorectal cancer screening All tested immunological tests give good results

Tests for blood in the stool for colorectal cancer screening are reliable In addition to colonoscopy, immunological tests for blood...

Reduce the risk of colon cancer 5 simple tips

Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk: Pay attention to five simple tips14/10/2014 Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in...