Colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia

Colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia / Health News

Colonoscopy for the early detection of colorectal cancer


A colonoscopy (Colonoscopy) is for many people the sheer horror. The examination is by no means painful, because the patients receive a light anesthetic, so that they get nothing or little from the procedure. However, the preparation for a colonoscopy is often perceived as unpleasant. This includes drinking a laxative to empty the bowel as completely as possible.

Patients receive well-tolerated anesthesia before colonoscopy
Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods for the early detection of colon cancer and other diseases of the organ such as Crohn's disease. If the doctor advises the examination, patients should definitely take it. As explained by the German Society for Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) in Berlin in the run-up to a symposium, colonoscopy was less unpleasant than its reputation. An anesthetic is administered so that the patient does not receive details of the examination. Overall, a colonoscopy takes between 20 and 30 minutes and is not painful. The patient is awakened only when the examination is completed.

Complications due to anesthesia would be very rare. According to the DGVS, this would have resulted in two studies. For one study, 388,404 endoscopic examinations were evaluated. In only 0.01% of cases, there were adverse complications due to sedation. In the second study, side effects were observed in even fewer cases. Most of the cases with complications were emergency examinations or patients with multiple pre-existing conditions.

Do not eat solid food before colonoscopy
In order to prepare for a colonoscopy includes the defecation, because only when the organ is clean, the doctor in the examination of everything necessary as well as the nature of the intestinal mucosa can recognize well. It is therefore advisable to take no more heavy food a few days before the examination date. The day before, solid food is taboo. Instead, several liters of liquid such as water or tea must be drunk. For colonoscopy, patients must appear sober.

To cleanse the intestine as best as possible, patients drink a laxative, which is usually dissolved in powder form in water. Since the product smells and tastes unpleasant, organic or lemon pieces can be sucked before. The intense taste of citrus fruits is perceived as pleasant, so that drinking the laxative easier. Holding your nose while drinking can also help. Clear broth and white tea counteract hunger.

In addition, three to four days before colonoscopy should not be eaten hearty fruit or finely chopped grain and wholegrain bread. The small nuclei and particles can remain in the intestine and clog the examination device.

Many patients freeze after a colonoscopy
Because the body is weakened by the removal and examination procedure, many patients freeze. Therefore, it is advisable to bring thick socks, a warm sweater and a jacket for colonoscopy. Replacement underwear is also useful.

Since the patient receives anesthesia before the examination, he should not go home alone or drive by car after the mirroring. Ideally, the person concerned is brought by an accompanying person to the appointment and then picked up again.

Colonoscopy for the early detection of colorectal cancer
According to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), colorectal cancer or so-called colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in both sexes and the second most common cause of cancer death in Germany. In about 25 percent of cases, there is a familial accumulation.

For the early detection of colorectal cancer, two examinations are a standard procedure: Examination of the stool sample for invisible blood, as tumors and polyps sometimes bleed, and colonoscopy. Early detection examinations are performed by all insured persons from the age of 50 to 54 in the form of a stool examination once a year and in case of a conspicuous finding in the form of a large colonoscopy by the health insurance company. From the age of 55, insured persons are free to choose between a stool test and a large colonoscopy every two years. As the IQWiG informs, the policy with the cancer screening and registration law, which has been in force since April 2013, has lifted the age limits, so that particularly vulnerable groups can also use the colorectal cancer screening earlier. (Ag)

Picture credits: JMG