Colonoscopy reduces cancer risk by 40 percent

Colonoscopy reduces cancer risk by 40 percent / Health News

Every 10 years for colonoscopy: Reduce cancer risk by colonoscopy by 40 percent


According to a recent US study, mirroring the whole colon over 50 years of age could reduce cancer risk by 40 percent every 10 years. However, relatives of colorectal cancer patients should be examined more frequently.

Reduce cancer risk by 40 percent
According to US scientists, mirroring the whole colon every ten years for over-50s can reduce cancer risk by 40 percent. The researchers write in a post in the „New England Journal of Medicine“, that there has not yet been sufficient evidence to the extent that a colonoscopy can prevent tumors in the lower and upper colon. It was also left open how often a reflection must be made.

Long-term studies with almost 89,000 participants
The scientists, including Shuji Ogino from Harvard University, analyzed data from nearly 89,000 participants in two long-term studies to come to their conclusions. In doing so, they based their conclusions on questionnaires which were collected every two years between 1988 and 2008. Overall, they had 1,815 cases of colorectal cancer with 474 deaths to do.

Reflection of the entire intestine more effective
The investigations suggest that both the colonoscopy of the entire colon (colonoscopy) and the so-called „small colonoscopy“ constitute good means of prevention. In this small reflection, sigmoidoscopy, the last section of the colon before the rectum is examined. However, colonoscopy is considered more effective. If all study participants had undergone such, the risk of colon cancer would have fallen by 40 percent.

Healthy food as prevention
However, experts do not see any conclusive evidence in such prospective observational studies. Other factors could be responsible for reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. For example, even the willingness to take precautions could point to a more pronounced health awareness, which manifests itself among other things in a healthy diet. And then this more rational way of life could be the real reason for colon cancer prevention.

Shorter intervals during preloading
Today's guidelines recommend a repeat of colonoscopy after ten years. However, a genetic bias might require investigations at shorter intervals. If colon cancer has already developed in the family, this could be an indication of a corresponding bias. Many urologists also offer an immunological stool test for the prevention of colon cancer, which can be used to detect occult, ie hidden, blood. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz